+90 216 456 82 12

Prof. Dr. Çetin Karaca
Prof. Dr. Çetin Karaca

Branş    Gastroenteroloji

Telefon    0212 248 45 71

Faks    0212 248 45 71

Web Sitesi    http://www.cetinkaraca.com

Adres    Teşvikiye Caddesi, Venüs Apt. No: 24/4 (Zemin Kat), 34365 Nişantaşı / İstanbul

İl/İlçe    İstanbul

Doktor Hakkında
Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri / Sanatta Yeterlik Çalışmaları :
Uzm. Dr. Özlem Soyer (Yandal uzmanlık tezi):
— “Endosonografi Eşliğinde Alınan Pankreas Kist Sıvısının Biyoşimik ve Genetik Analizinin Malign Benign Pankreas Kistlerinin Ayırıcı Tanısındaki Kullanılabilirliği”
Dr. Emre Yılmaz (Tıpta uzmanlık öğrencisi):
— “İnterferon Tedavisi Kullanan Kronik D Hepatitli Hastalarda Interlökin-28B Gen Polimorfizmi Sıklığı ve Kalıcı Virolojik Yanıt Üzerine Etkisi”
Dr. Gül Güzelant (Tıpta uzmanlık öğrencisi):
— ”Endoskopik Ultrasonografinin Gastrik Varislerine Glubran Uygulanan Hastalardaki Etkinliği”
Dr. Özgen Ahmet Yıldırım (Tıpta uzmanlık öğrencisi):
— Tedavi Alan ve Almayan Kronik Delta Hepatitli Hastaların Doğal Seyri
Dr. Erkan Özcan (Tıpta uzmanlık öğrencisi):
— Sirotik ve Nonsirotik Portal Hipertansiyonlu Hstalarda Adrenal Fonksiyonların Değerlendirilmesi”
Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler :
1 - İnterferon+Ribavirin kombinasyon tedavisine yanıt vermeyen ya da relaps gelişmiş olan Kronik C Hepatiti hastalarında PEG-İnterferon Alfa-2b+Ribavirin kombinasyon tedavisinin değerlendirilmesi, Faz III, Ulusal, Çok Merkezli, Protokol: P02253, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2001.
2 - Hepatit B Antijeni negatif olan kronik hepatit B hastası yetişkinlerde Entecavir’in güvenliliğinin ve antiviral etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi, Faz III, Uluslararası, Çok Merkezli, Protokol: A1463-026, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2001.
3 - Hepatit C’li hastalarda peginterferon alfa-2a (Ro 25-8310) monoterapisi ve ribavirin (Ro 20-9963) ile kombine tedavisinin değerlendirilmesi, Faz III, Uluslar arası, Çok Merkezli, Protokol:, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2002.
4 - Kronik konstipasyonlu hastalarda, oral olarak günde iki kez verilen tegaserod 2 mg veya 6 mg’ın etkinlik, güvenilirlik ve tolerabilitesinin değerlendirilmesi, Faz III, Uluslararası, Çok Merkezli, Protokol: CHTF919E2301, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, 2002.
İdari Görevler :
İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, İhale Hazırlama Komisyon Başkanlığı
Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler :
Türk Karaciğer Araştırmaları Derneği,
Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği, Endoskopi Derneği,
Viral Hepatitle Savaşım Derneği (İstanbul Bölge Temsilciliği),
European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL),
The European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Ödüller :
1 - “Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth In Liver Cirrhosis: Is It a Predisposing Factor For Spontaneous Ascitic Infection?” European Association For The Study Of Liver Postgraduate Course 26-27 June 1998, İstanbul, Bronze Liver Award
2 - “Kronik HCV İnfeksiyonlu Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Okkült HBV İnfeksiyonu YMDD Variantları” VI. Ulusal Viral Hepatit Simpozyumu, 30 Ekim-2 Kasım 2002, Ankara,
Teşekkür Ödülü
3 - “İnterferon Tedavisine Cevapsız Anti-HBe Pozitif Kronik B Hepatitli Hastalarda Lamivudin Monoterapi ve Lamivudin-Alfa İnterferon Kombine Tedavisi” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası 1-6 Ekim 2002, Antalya, Sözlü Bildiri Ödülü
4 - “İstanbul Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri” 2003, Başarı Belgesi
5 - Şişli Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2004 Yılı Klinikler Arası Bilimsel Çalışmalar İkincilik Ödülü
6 - “Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging can detect fine morphologic features of pancreatic cystic neoplasms and differentiate between mucinous and non-mucinous cysts” New England Endoscopy Society, 2009 Annual Research Meeting 20 May 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, İkincilik Ödülü
A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
— A1. Karaca, C., Kaymakoglu, S., Uyar, A., Karayay, S., Gurler, N., Demir, K., Dincer, D., Tuncer, I., Boztas, G., Cakaloglu, Y., Okten, A, Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Liver Cirrhosis: Is It a Predisposing Factor For Spontaneous Ascitic Infection? Am. J. Gastroenterol. 97(7), 1851, (2002).
— A2. Besisik, F., Karaca, C., Akyuz, F., Horosanli, S., Onel, D., Badur, S., Sever, M.S., Danalioglu, A., Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Cakaloglu, Y., and Okten, A, “Occult HBV Infection and YMDD Variants in Hemodialysis Patients With Chronic HCV Infection”, J. Hepatol., 38(4), 506-10, (2003).
— A3. Karaca, C., Boztas, G., Adalet, I., Danalıoglu, A., Akyuz, F., Aksoy, Nevzat., Ozdil, S., Demirkürek, C., and Mungan, Z, “The Effect of Pneumatic Balloon Dilatation on Gastric Emptying in Patients With Achalasia”, Hepatogastroenterology, 50 Suppl 2, ccci-cccii, (2003). (Not: Pub Med de Cetin K olarak gözükmekte fakat orijinal makalede isim ve soyadı bulunmaktadır)
— A4. Karaca, C., Kaymakoglu, S., Demir, K., Danalioglu, A., Durakoglu, Z., Badur, S., Bozaci, M., Besisik, F., Boztas, G,. Mungan, Z., Cakaloglu, Y., and Okten A. “Lamivudine Treatment in Patients With Hepatitis B Virus Induced Liver Cirrhosis”, Hepatogastroenterology, 50 Suppl 2, ccxcv-ccxcvii, (2003). (Not: Pub Med de Cetin K olarak gözükmekte fakat orijinal makalede isim ve soyadı bulunmaktadır)
— A5. Danalioglu, A., Cakaloglu, Y., Karaca, C., Aksoy, N., Akyuz, F., Ozdil, S., Demir, K., Besisik, F., Boztas, G., Mungan, Z., Kaymakoglu, S., and Okten, A, “Terlipressin and Albumin Combination Treatment in Hepatorenal Syndrome”, Hepatogastroenterology, 50 Suppl 2, ccciii-cccv, (2003).
— A6. Danalioglu, A., Kaymakoglu, S., Mungan, Z., Karaca, C., Demir, K., Durakoglu, Z., Besisik, F., Boztas, G., Cakaloglu, Y. and Okten, A,. “Cyclosporin For Severe Ulcerative Colitis Attacks”, Hepatogastroenterology, 50 Suppl 2, ccxcviii-ccc, (2003).
— A7. Ozdil, S., Demir, K., Boztas, G., Danalioglu, A., Karaca, C., Akyuz, F., Aksoy, N., Kaymakoglu, S., Mungan, Z., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., and Okten, A, “Crohn's Disease; Analysis of 105 Patients”, Hepatogastroenterology, 50 Suppl 2, cclxxxvii-ccxci, (2003).
— A8. Tahan, V., Avsar, E., Karaca, C., Uslu, E., Eren, F., Aydın, S., Uzun, H., Hamzaoglu, H.O., Besısık, F., Kalayci, C., Okten, A., and Tozun, N, “Adrenomedullin in Cirrhotic and Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension”, World. J. Gastroenterol., 9(10), 2325-27, (2003).
— A9. Karaca, C., Pinarbasi, B., Danalioglu, A., Akyuz, F., Kaymakoglu, S., Ozdil, S., Boztas, G. and Mungan, Z, “Liver Abscess As a Rare Complication of Crohn's Disease: A Case Report”, Turk. J. Gastroenterol., 15(1), 45-8, (2004).
— A10. Karaca, C., Guler, N., Yazar, A., Camlica, H., Demir, K., and Yildirim, G, “Is Lower Socio-economic Status a Risk Factor for Helicobacter pylori Infection in Pregnant Women With Hyperemesis Gravidarum”, Turk. J. Gastroenterol,. 15(2), 86-9 (2004).
— A11. Danalioglu, A., Kaymakoglu, S., Cakaloglu, Y., Demir, K., Karaca, C., Durakoglu, Z., Bozaci, M., Badur, S., Cevikbas, U., and Okten, A, “Efficacy of Alpha Interferon Therapy for Lamivudine Resistance in Chronic Hepatitis B”, Int. J. Clin. Pract., 58(7), 659-61, (2004).
— A12. Ozdil, S., Akyuz, F., Pinarbasi, B., Demir, K., Karaca, C., Boztas, G., Kaymakoglu, S., Mungan, Z., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., and Okten, A, “Ulcerative Colitis: Analyses of 116 Cases (Do Extraintestinal Manifestations Effect the Time to Catch Remission?)”, Hepatogastroenterology, 51(57), 768-70, (2004).
— A13. Yekeler, E., Danalioglu, A., Movasseghi, B., Yilmaz, S., Karaca, C., Kaymakoglu, S., and Acunas, B, “Crohn Disease Activity Evaluated by Doppler Ultrasonography of The Superior Mesenteric Artery and The Affected Small-Bowel Segments”, J. Ultrasound Med., 24(1), 59-65, (2005).
— A14. Kaymakoglu, S., Karaca, C., Demir, K., Poturoglu, S., Danalioglu, A., Badur, S., Bozaci, M., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., and Okten, A, “Alpha Interferon and Ribavirin Combination Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis D”, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 49(3), 1135-8, (2005).
— A15. Tahan, V., Karaca, C., Yildirim, B., Bozbas, A., Ozaras, R., Demir, K., Avsar, E., Mert, A., Besisik, F., Kaymakoglu, S., Senturk, H., Cakaloglu, Y., Kalayci, C., Okten, A., and Tozun, N, “Sexual Transmission of HCV Between Spouses”, Am. J. Gastroenterol. 100(4), 821-4, (2005).
— A16. Boztas, G., Mungan, Z., Ozdil, S., Akyuz, F., Karaca, C., Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., Okten, A, “Pneumatic Balloon Dilatation in Primary Achalasia: The Long-Term Follow-Up Results”, Hepatogastroenterology, 52(62),75-80, (2005).
— A17. Karaca, C., Besisik, F., Akyuz, F., Dincer, D., Sever, M.S., Okten A, “Ribavirin Treatment in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Who Had Renal Transplantation” Dig. Surg. 22(1-2), 113, (2005).
— A18. Karaca, C., Cakaloglu, Y., Demir, K., Ozdil, S., Kaymakoglu, S., Badur, S., and Okten, A, “The Risk Factors For The Transmission Of Hepatitis C Virus Infection In The Turkish Population” Dig. Dis. Sci. Feb;51(2):365-9. (2006).
— A19. Ercan, İ., Çakır, B.Ö., Uzel, Ş.T., Damlanur, S., Karaca, Ç., Turgut, S, “ The Role of Gastric Helicobacter Pylori Infection In Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease”, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surg. Jul;135(1):52-5. (2006).
— A20. Kaymakoglu S, Danalioglu A, Demir K, Karaca C, Akyuz F, Onel D, Badur S, Cevikbas U, Besisik F, Cakaloglu Y, Okten A. Long-term results of interferon alpha monotherapy in patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Dig Dis Sci. Mar;52(3):727-31 (2007).
— A21. Sokmen H.M., Sakiz D., Akbayir N., Karaca C., Ersoy O., Alkim C., Demirsoy H, “Distribution of Gastric Lymphoid Follicies in Helicobacter pylori Associated Gastritis”, Hepatogastroenterology, Jan-Feb;54(73):285-9. (2007).
— A22. Akyuz F, Kaymakoglu S, Demir K, Aksoy N, Karaca C, Danalioglu A, Onel D, Badur S, Besisik F, Cakaloglu Y, Okten A. Lamivudine monotherapy and lamivudine plus interferon alpha combination therapy in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B not responding to previous interferon alpha monotherapy. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. Jan-Mar;70(1):20-4. (2007).
— A23. Sokmen M, Demirsoy H, Ersoy O, Gokyiğit A, Akbayir N, Karaca C, Ozdil K, Kesici B, Calıskan C, Yilmaz B. Paraneoplastic porphyria cutanea tarda associated with cholangiocarcinoma: Case report. Turk J Gastroenterol. Sep;18(3):200-205. (2007).
— A24. Ozdil K, Sokmen M, Ersoy O, Demirsoy H, Kesici B, Karaca C, Akbayir N, Erdem L, Alkim C, Sakiz D. Association of Gluten Enteropathy and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Adult Turkish Population. Dig Dis Sci. Jul;53(7):1852-5. (2008).
— A25. Tahan, V., Ozaras, R., Karaca, C., Eren, F., Danalioglu, A., Uraz, S., Avsar, E., Turkoglu, S., Midilli, K., Tabak, F., Ozturk, R., Mert, A., Tozun., Senturk, H. “Is HCV Genotyping Cost-Effective Even When the Prevalence of Genotype 2 and 3 are Low? Hepatogastroenterology Sep-Oct;56(94-95):1425-8. (2009).
— A26. Karaca C, Cizginer S, Brugge W. Serous cystadenoma fine needle aspiration. VHJOE 8(3). (2009).
— A27. Turner BG, Gee DW, Cizginer S, Konuk Y, Karaca C, Morse C, Willingham FF, Rattner DW, Brugge WR. Feasibility of endoscopic transesophageal sympathectomy in a porcine model. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Jan;71(1):171-5. (2010).
— A28. Karaca C, Turner BG, Cizginer, Forcione D, Brugge W. The Accuracy of EUS in the Evaluation of Gastric Subepithelial Lesions. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Apr;71(4):722-7. (2010).
— A29. Baran B, Karaca C, Akyuz F. Comments on Histologic Predictors of Fibrosis Progression in Posttransplant Hepatitis C Recurrence. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. Aug;8(8):735-6. (2010).
— A30. Karaca C. Methotrexate dose in current ECCO consensus on Crohn’s disease. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, Oct;4(4):483.(2010).
— A31. Demirsoy H, Ozdil K, Ersoy O, Kesici B, Karaca C, Alkim C, Akbayir N, Erdem LK, Onuk MD, Beyzadeoglu HT. Anti-pancreatic antibody in Turkish patients with inflammatory bowel disease and first-degree relatives. World J Gastroenterol. Dec 7;16(45):5732-8. (2010).
— A32. Karaca C, Cizginer S, Konuk Y, Kambadakone A, Turner BG, Mino-Kenudson M, Sahani DV, Macfarlane C, Brugge W. Feasibility of EUS-guided injection of irinotecan-loaded microspheres into the swine pancreas. Gastrointest Endosc. Mar;73(3):603-6. (2011).
— A33. Bugdaci MS, Alkim C, Karaca C, Kesici B, Bayraktar B, Sokmen M. Could complement C4 be an alternative to biopsy for chronic hepatitis B histopathologic findings? J Clin Gastroenterol. May-Jun;45(5):449-55. (2011).
— A34. Cizginer S, Turner B, Bilge AR, Karaca C, Pitman MB, Brugge WR. Cyst fluid carcinoembryonic antigen is an accurate diagnostic marker of pancreatic mucinous cysts. Pancreas. Oct;40(7):1024-8. (2011).
— A35. Baran B, Karaca C, Soyer OM, Lacin S, Demir K, Besisik F, Boztas G. Acute pancreatitis associated with H1N1 influenza during 2009 pandemic: a case report. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 36(4):69-70. (2012).
— A36. Buğdaci MS, Karaca C, Alkim C, Kesıcı B, Bayraktar B, Sökmen M. Serum complement C4 in chronic hepatitis C: correlation with histopathologic findings and disease activity. Turk J Gastroenterol. Feb;23(1):33-7. (2012).
— A37. Karaca C, Soyer OM, Baran B, Ormeci AC, Gokturk S, Aydin E, Evirgen S, Akyuz F, Demir K, Besisik F, Kaymakoglu S. Effıcacy of peginterferon alpha treatment for 24 months in chronic delta hepatitis and predictors of response. Antivir Ther. [Epub ahead of print] (2012).
— A38. Karaca C, Baran B, Soyer OM. Unusual location of polypectomy with an ultra-slim gastroscope: biliary polyp (with video). Dig Endosc. 24(6):477. (2012).
— A39. Baran B, Soyer OM, Poyanli A, Karaca C. Angiographic embolization of large duodenal varix in a cirrhotic patient. Dig Liver Dis. [Epub ahead of print] (2012)
— A40. Yonal I, Ciftcibasi A, Gokturk S, Yenerel MN, Akyuz F, Karaca C, Demir K, Besisik F, Kalayoglu-Besisik S. Massive ascites as the initial manifestation of mantle cell lymphoma: a challenge for the gastroenterologist. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 6(3):803-9 (2012)
B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :
— B1. Yılmaz, MT., Satman, I., Karsidag, K., Dinccag, N., Karaca, C., Sargin, M., Sengul, A., Karadeniz, S, “Lessons Should Be Taken From 60 Complete Remission Patients With Type I Diabetes”. 16th International Diabetes Federation Congress, July 20-25, Diabetologia, Abstracts, No:372, A96, Helsinki, Finland, 1997.
— B2. Karaca, C., Kaymakoglu, S., Karayay, S., Gurler, N., Demir, K., Dincer, D., Tuncer, I., Cakaloglu, Y., Boztas, G., Otken, A, “Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth In Liver Cirrhosis: Is It a Predisposing Factor For Spontaneous Ascitic Infection”, (OP) European Association For The Study Of The Liver, Postgraduate Course, June 26-27, Syllabus and Abstracts, 42, İstanbul, Turkey, 1998.
— B3. Kayacan, SM., Besisik, F., Karaca, C., Yildiz, A., Turkmen, A., Sever, MS, “Is The Existence of Pretransplant Viral Hepatitis a Handicap for Renal Transplantation?” 5th Congress of Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs, Sept 30- Oct 3, Book Of Abstracts, 80, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001.
— B4. Çakaloğlu, Y., Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Danalıoğlu, A., Durakoğlu, Z., Bozacı, M., Beşışık, F., Mungan, Z., Badur, S., Kaymakoğlu, S., and A. Ökten, “Lamivudine Therapy in Patients With Cirrhosis and Replicative Hepatitis B Virus İnfection” 11th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:48 Supp.I, XXXIII, Girit, Greece, 2001. (OP)
— B5. Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Dincer, D., Tuncer, I., Durakoglu, Z., Karaca, C., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., Otken, A, “Interferon Alpha-2b plus Ribavirin for Chronic Hepatitis C in Primary Nonresponders to Interferon Alone” 36th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. April 18-22, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:34 Supp. I, 1305, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.
— B6. Kaymakoglu, S., Demir, K., Cakaloglu, Y., Durakoglu, Z., Dincer, D., Karaca, C., Umit, H., Turkoglu, S., Badur, S., Besisik, F., Otken, A, “Lamivudine and Alpha Interferon combination Therapy in Patients with Anti-HBe positive Chronic Hepatitis B: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Study” 36th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. April 18-22, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:34 Supp. I, 1307, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.
— B7. Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Ozdil, S., Dincer, D., Durakoglu, Z., Karaca, C., Besisik, F., Boztas, G., Mungan, Z., Cakaloglu, Y., Otken, A, “Ascitic Fluid Cholesterol Level in the Diagnosis of Postsinusoidal Portal Hypertension”, 36th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. April 18-22, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:34 Supp. I, 1308, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.
— B8. Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Ozdil, S., Dincer, D., Durakoglu, Z., Karaca, C., Besisik, F., Boztas, G., Cakaloglu, Y., Mungan, Z., Otken, A, “Epidemiology and Diagnostic Features of Wilson Disease in Turkey, 8th International Conference on Wilson Disease and Menkes Disease, April 16 - 18, Abstract Book, P34, Leipzig, Germany, 2001.
— B9. Demir, K., Kaymakoglu, S., Ozdil, S., Dincer, D., Durakoglu, Z., Karaca, C., Besisik, F., Cakaloglu, Y., Otken, A, “Serum Coeruloplasmin Levels in Wilson Disease: Diagnostic Value and The Effect of Chelation Therapy, 8th International Conference on Wilson Disease and Menkes Disease, April 16 - 18, Abstract Book, P35, Leipzig, Germany, 2001.
— B10. Güler, N., Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Özdemir, İ., Bekçi, H., Yıldırım, G, “The Role of Helicobacter pylori in Hypermezis Gravidarum” The Annual Meeting of The Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine & Perinotology, 17-20 April, Abstracts, 009, İstanbul, Turkey, 2002.
— B11. Özdil, S., Karaca, C., Danalıoğlu, A., Türkmen, E., Akyüz, F., Demir, K., Boztaş, G., Kaymakoğlu, S. ve Z. Mungan, “Cerebral Venous thrombosis Developed During Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Report”, Falk Symposium, Targets of Treatment In Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease, No 131, Abstract Book, 56, Freiburg, Germany, 2002.
— B12. Beşışık, F., Karaca, Ç., Akyüz, F., Danalıoğlu, A., Önel, D., Demir, K., Badur, S., Kaymakoğlu, S., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Okten, “Occult HBV Infection and YMDD Mutants in Hemodialysis Patients With Chronic HCV Infection”, The Liver Meeting, November 1-5, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Hepatology, Vol:36, 613A, Boston, USA, 2002.
— B13. Danalıoğlu, A., Karaca, Ç., Akyüz, F., Aksoy, N., Demir, K., Turkoğlu, S., Badur, S., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu, Y., Ökten, A. ve S. Kaymakoğlu, “Efficacy of Alpha Interferon Therapy for Lamivudine Resistance in Chronic Hepatitis B” The Liver Meeting, November 1-5, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Hepatology, Vol:36, 635A, Boston, USA, 2002.
— B14. Karaca, Ç., Danalıoğlu, A., Akyüz, F., Demir, K., Bozacı, M., Türkoğlu, S., Badur, S., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu, Y., Ökten, A. ve S. Kaymakoğlu, “The Preliminary Results of Interferon Alpha and Ribavirin Combination Therapy in Chronic Delta Hepatitis”, The Liver Meeting, November 1-5, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, Hepatology, Vol:36, 650A, Boston, USA, 2002.
— B15. Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Kaymakoğlu, S., Korkut, N., Danalıoğlu, A., Özdil, S., Beşışık, F., Boztaş, G., Mungan, Z., Ünaltuna, N., Çevikbaş, U., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Etiologic Factors in Budd-Chiari Syndrome”, 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CXCI, Istanbul, 2002.
— B16. Danalıoğlu, A., Aksoy, N., Akyüz, F., Poturoğlu, S., Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu. Y. ve A. Ökten, “Budd-Chiari Syndrome in a Young Patient With Celiac Disease” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CXCI, Istanbul, 2002.
— B17. Danalıoğlu, A., Aksoy, N., Akyüz, F., Poturoğlu, S., Demir, K., Karaca, Ç., Özdil, S., Beşışık, F., Kaymakoğlu, S., Boztaş, G., Mungan, Z., Çakaloğlu. Y. ve A. Ökten, “Hepatorenal Syndrome: Efficacy of Terlipressin + Albumin Combination Therapy on Survival” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CXCII, Istanbul, 2002.
— B18. Aksoy, N., Akyüz, F., Danalıoğlu, A., Karaca, Ç., Poturoğlu, S., Demir, K., Kaymakoğlu, S., Türkoğlu, S., Beşışık, F., Çevikbaş, U., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Triple Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Primary Non-responder to Interferon Plus Ribavirine” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CXCI, Istanbul, 2002.
— B19. Akyüz, F., Aksoy, N., Kaymakoğlu, S., Demir, K., Karaca, Ç., Danalıoğlu, A., Öner, D., Badur, S., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Lamivudine Monotherapy and Lamivudine/Interferon Alpha Combination Tratment in Anti-HBe Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Not Responding to Previous Interferon Monotherapy” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, XIX, Istanbul, 2002.
— B20. Danalıoğlu, A., Kaymakoğlu, S., Mungan, Z., Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Beşışık, F., Boztaş, G., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Efficacy of Cyclosporin in Severe Ulcerative Colitis Attack” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, LXXXVII, Istanbul, 2002. (OP)
— B21. Özdil, S., Demir, K., Boztaş, G., Danalıoğlu, A., Karaca, Ç., Akyüz, F., Aksoy, N., Kaymakoğlu, S., Mungan, Z., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu Y., ve A. Ökten, “Crohn’s Disease; Analysis of 105 Patients” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, C, Istanbul, 2002.
— B22. Karaca, Ç., Boztaş, G., Adalet, I., Danalıoğlu, A., Akyüz, F., Aksoy, F., Demirkürek, C., Özdil, S. ve Z. Mungan, “The Effect of Pneumatic Balloon Dilatation on Gastric Discharge in Patients With Achalasia” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CCXXVI, Istanbul, 2002.
— B23. Karaca, Ç., Danalıoğlu, A., Demir, K., Durakoğlu, Z., Kaymakoğlu, S., Çakaloğlu, Y., Gürel, N., Çevikbaş, U. ve A. Ökten, “Frequency of Celiac Disease in Autoimmune Liver Disease” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CCLXXXII, Istanbul, 2002.
— B24. Akyüz, F., Kaymakoğlu, S.,. Karaca, Ç., Danalıoğlu, A., Aksoy, N., Poturoğlu, S., Demir, K., Beşışık, F., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Is There Any Medical Therapeutic Option in Hepatopulmonary Syndrome?: Case Report”. 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons&Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CXC, Istanbul, 2002.
— B25. Karaca, C., Akyuz, F., Danalioglu, A., Aksoy, N., Demir, K., Besısık, F., Kaymakoglu, S., Cakaloglu, Y. ve A. Okten, “Superinfections with Hepatotropic Viruses in HIV İnfected Patients” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons& Gastroenterologists, Hepato-Gastroenterology Vol:49 Supp.II, CLXXXIX, Istanbul, 2002.
— B26. Kaymakoğlu, S., Demir, K., Danalıoğlu, A., Akyüz, F., Durakoğlu, Z., Karaca, Ç., Aksoy, N., Beşışık, F., Mungan, Z., Çakaloğlu, Y. ve A. Ökten, “Autoimmune Hepatitis; What Factors Predict The Response To Combination Therapy Of Azathioprine Plus Steroid”, Digestive Disease Week May 17-22, Abstract Book, A-779, Orlando, Florida, 2003.
— B27. Tahan, V., Karaca, Ç., Uslu, E., Eren, F., Aydın, S., Uzun, H., Hamzaoğlu, H.Ö., Beşışık, F., Avşar, E., Ökten, A., Tözün, N, “Adrenomedullin: A Trigger or A Bystander in Cirrhotic and Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension?”, 6th AF ASLD Congress African Association for Study of Liver Disease, March 3-6, Final Program, Cairo, Egypt, 2003. (OP)
— B28. Aydın, Z., Demir, K., Ökten, A., Kaymakoğlu, S., Salmayenli, N., Özdil, S., Karaca, Ç., Danalıoğlu, A., Köroğlu, G., Beşışık, F., Boztaş, G., Mungan, Z., Çevikbaş, U. ve Y. Çakaloğlu, “Are There Any Noninvasive Markers for Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis?” 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Liver March 29-April 1, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:38, Supp. No:2, 110, İstanbul, Turkey, 2003.
— B29. Demir, K., Karaca, Ç., Kaymakoğlu, S., Özdil, S., Beşışık, F., Boztaş, G., Mungan, Z., Çakaloğlu, Y., Çevikbaş, U., Ökten, A, “Are Ascitic Fluid Cholesterol and Ratio of Ascites/Serum Cholesterol Able to Reflect Hepatic Sinusoidal Capillarization?” 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Liver March 29-April 1, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:38, Supp. No:2, 178, İstanbul, Turkey, 2003.
— B30. Karaca, Ç., Çakaloğlu, Y., Demir, K., Özdil, S., Kaymakoğlu, S., Badur, S., Çevikbaş, U., Ökten, A, “Time to Development of Chronic Liver Diseases in A Genotype 1 Dominant Population of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection”. 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Liver March 29-April 1, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:38, Supp. No:2, 511, İstanbul, 2003.
— B31. Tahan, V., Karaca, Ç., Yıldırım, B., Bozbaş, A., Demir, K., Avşar, E., Mert, A., Tabak, F., Beşışık, F., Kaymakoğlu, S., Şentürk, H., Çakaloğlu, Y., Kalaycı, C., Ökten, A., Tözün, N, “Sexual Transmission of HCV Between Spouses”, 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Liver March 29-April 1, Journal of Hepatology, Vol:38, Supp. No:2, 605, İstanbul, Turkey, 2003.
— B32. Özdil, S., Akyüz, F., Karaca, Ç., Demir, K., Boztaş, G, “Mycophenolate Mofetil as an Alternative Medical Treatment for Crohn’s Disease Complicated with Fistulas” Falk Symposium, New Findings on Pathogenesis and Progress in Management of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, No 134, Abstract Book, 138, Berlin, Germany, 2002.
— B33. Çınar, A.S., Karaca, Ç., Polat, G.N., Güzelay, P., Çakaloğlu, Y., Badur, S, “CD5+ B Lymphocytes and Autoantibodies In Chronic Hepatitis B Infections” 3rd Balkan Conference of Microbiology, September 4-6, Proceedings and Abstract Book, P190, İstanbul, Turkey, 2003.
— B34. Karaca, C., Akyuz, F., Kaymakoglu, S., Demir, K., Cakaloglu, Y., Badur, S., Otken, A, “What Is The Genetic Ttype of Hepatitis Delta Virus In Turkey?” 14th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists (and Oncologists), September 9–12, Abstract Book P146, Zurich-Switzerland, 2004.
— B35. Karaca, C., Okten, A., Korkut, N., Danalioglu, A., Demir, K., Cakaloglu, Y. ve S. Kaymakoglu, “Thrombophilic Factors In Patients With thrombosis Of Portal And/Or Splenic Vein”, World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists (and Oncologists), September 9–12, Abstract Book P147, Zurich-Switzerland, 2004
— B36. Karaca, Ç., Kaymakoglu, S., Akyuz, F., Danalioglu, A., Demir, K., Cakaloglu, Y. ve A. Okten, “Efficacy Of Peginterferon Alpha-2a And Ribavirin Combination In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Who Did Not Respond To Previous Therapy”, World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists (and Oncologists), September 9–12, Abstract Book P148, Zurich-Switzerland, 2004.
— B37. Karaca, C., Kaymakoglu, S., Akyuz, F., Demir, K., Cakaloglu, Y., Unaltuna, N., Okten, A, “Idiopathic Portal Hypertension; Phlebosclerosis or Phlebothrombosis?”, World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists (and Oncologists), September 9–12, Abstract Book P149, Zurich-Switzerland, 2004.
— B38. Danalioglu, A., Besisik, F., Cefle, K., Ozturk, S., Karaca, C., Demir, K., Ozdil, S., Kaymakoglu, S., Palanduz, S. ve A. Okten, “Efficacy of Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Therapy on Frequency of Sister Chromatid Exchange in Peripheral Lymphocytes of Patients with Crohn’s Disease”, Falk Symposium 147, May 6-7, Abstracts Book, Abstract No:16 , Birmingham, 2005.
— B39. Akbayir, N., Sakız, D., Kotevoglu, N., Alkım, C., Erdem, L., Karaca, C., Sokmen, M, “The Prevalence of microscopic Colitis in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Falk Symposium 147, Abstracts Book, No:82, Birmingham, England, 2005.
— B40. Sokmen M, Ersoy O, Argon D, Eren N, Yilmaz B, Akbayir N, Karaca C, Demirsoy H, Demirel G, Bozkurtoglu H. What is the optimized dose of CCl4 to induce hepatotoxicity in rats? Hepatology International 2007;p-0021:79


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