Dr. Nezih Özdemir
Unvan : Dr.
Tıbbi Birim : Göz Hastalıkları
Uzmanlık : Göz Hastalıkları
Şube : International Hastanesi
E-Posta : nezih.ozdemir@internationalhospital.com.tr
Web Sitesi :
1994 Universite Pierre Et Marie Curie Göz Hastalıkları
1983 İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi
1998 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
1994 - 1995 Alman Hastanesi
1991 - 1993 Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere
American Academy of Ophthalmology
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
International Society of Ocular Inflammation
European Society of Catarcat and Refractive Surgery
Subtype associated with Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy
LeHoang P, Özdemir N, Benhamou A. Et al. HLA - A29.2 American Journal of Ophthalmology
Scleral Thickness measurements with optical coherence tomography in patients with rheumatoid disease
Özdemir N, UluhanA, Tunç R, Yazıcı H. 18-23 June 2002, 6th International Symposium on Ocular Inflammation. İstanbul
Traitement de la retinochoroidopathic de type Birdshot par cyclosporine A.10 ans d'experience
Gregoire-Cassoux N, Özdemir N, Kulmann N, Girard B.Congre de Societe Français d'ophtalmologie 7-11 Mai 1995 Paris, France
Laser flare photometry in phacic high myopic eyes in the first generaiton Z.B. anterior chamber IOL 3 years after implantation
Leroux Les Jardın S, Heligon J.P., Özdemir N, Brezin A, LeHoang P 11th Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
Analysis of Laser Cell Flare Meter measurements İn Behcet's uveitis durign the remission period
30 June 1 July, Paris, France 1993 Fardeau C, Brezin A, Özdemir N, Hamedani M, Meunier I, Wechsler B, LeHoung P. 6 th International Conference on Behcet's disease
HLA - A29.2 Subtype associated with Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy
American Journal of Ophthalmology LeHoang P, Özdemir N, Benhamou A. Et al.
Results on 10 cases of cataract removal and IOL implantation in uveitis patients
6-10 Sept. 1992 10 th Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Paris-La Defense Özdemir N, Lautier-Frau M, Cocherau-Massin I, LeHoang P
Toxoplasmose oculaire d'origine acquise
Brezin A. Özdemir N, Hamedani M. Congre de Societe Française d'Ophtalmologie, Paris 16-20 Mai 1993
Incision sclerales etroites apres phacoemulsification. Resultats comparatifs a court terme entre suture horizontale et absence de suture
Weiser M. Özdemir N. Congre de Societe Française d'Ophtalmologie, Paris 17-21 Mai 1992
Variations of Laser Flare Meter measurements in Behçet's uveitis and other posterior uveitis after IV pulse Methylperdinisolon therapy
30 June 1 July Paris, France, 1993 Özdemir N, Fardeau C, Meslier Y, Gawrilow P, Brezin A, Wechsler B, Le Hoang P. 6th International Conference on Behcet's disease
Variations of Laser Flare Meter measurements in Behçet's uveitis and other posterior uveitis after IV pulse Methylperdinisolon therapy
30 June - 1 July Paris, France, 1993 Özdemir N, Fardeau C, Meslier Y, Gawrilow P, Brezin A, Wechsler B, Le Hoang P. 6th International Conference on Behcet's disease