+90 216 456 82 12

Dr. Mehmet Teomete
Dr. Mehmet Teomete


Unvan : Dr.

Tıbbi Birim : Tıbbi Onkoloji, İç Hastalıkları

Üst Uzmanlık : Tıbbi Onkoloji

Uzmanlık : İç Hastalıkları

Şube : Kozyatağı Hastanesi

E-Posta : mehmet.teomete@acibadem.com.tr

Web Sitesi:


2009 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Onkoloji
2003 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi İç Hastalıkları
1994 Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi

2010 -  Trabzon Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
2009 - 2010 Erzurum Bölge Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
2005 - 2009 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
2004 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
2003 - 2005 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
1998 - 2003 Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
1996 - 1998 Trabzon Merkez Çağlayan Sağlık Ocağı
1994 - 1996 Trabzon Düzköy İlçesi Aykut Beldesi Sağlık Ocağı

Tıbbi Onkoloji Derneği
Türk Tabipler Birliği


Pregnancy a short time after multimodal therapy for bilateral breast cancer: a case report and review of literature
J Oncol Pharm Pract September 21, 20101078155210384755 Timur Koca Zuleyha Akgun zuleyh@hotmail.com Serap Baskaya Yucel Nihal Zerman Dag Mehmet Teomete

Weight gain after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with early breast cancer in Istanbul Turkey
Medical Oncology 001: 10.1007js12032-010-9463-x Gul Basaran, Nazlm Serdar Turhal, Devrim Cabukr Nevin Yurt, Gul Yurtseven, Mahmut Gumus, Mehmet Teomete, Faysal Dane and Perran Fulden Yumuk

0utcome of metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving second line chemotherapy in Marmara University Hospital F. Dane, M. Gumus, A. Ozturk, F. Yumuk, S. Iyikesici, G. Basaran, D. Cabuk, M. Teomete and N. S. Turhal
18S (June 20 Supplement), 2007: 14588© 2007 American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 25, No

Impact of dose reductions of platinum compounds on survival in stage IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) P. F. Yumuk, M. Teomete, F. Dane, D. Cabuk, G. Basaran and N. S. Turhal Marmara University Medical School Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
15S (May 20 Supplement), 2009: e19055© 2009 American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2009 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 27, No

Pulmonary toxicity in patients receiving docetaxel chemotherapy U. Kefeli, P. F. Yumuk, B. Ceyhan, F. Dane, B. Eroglu, D. Cabuk, G. Basaran, M. Teomete and N. S. Turhal.
No 15S (May 20 Supplement), 2009: e13532© 2009 American Society of Clinical Oncology Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2009 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 27,

Benefit from adjuvant anthracyclines according to hormone receptor status G. Atalay Basaran, D. Cabuk, M. Teomete, B. Gulluoglu, H. Kaya, F. Dane, P. F. Yumuk and N. S. Turhal
Vol 26, No 15S (May 20 Supplement), 2008: 11513© 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology Marmara University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition).

The relationship between glycemic control and platelet activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Received 24 May 2007; received in revised form 7 January 2008; accepted 18 January 2008. published online 25 March 2008. Refik Demirtunc, Dursun Duman, Melih Basar, Mustafa Bilgi, Mehmet Teomete, Tayfun Garip

A case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease misdiagnosed as Hodgkin's lymphoma: the importance of second opinion.
J aVON. 2009 Apr-Jun;14(2):309-11 Dane F, Ozturk MA, Tecimer T, Atasoy BM, Cabuk D, Yumuk PF, Basaran G, Teomete M, Turhal NS.

Clinical outcome of triple-negative (TN) breast cancer (BC) D. Cabuk, G. Basaran, H. Kaya, B. Gulluoglu, M. Teomete, F. Dane, P. F. Yumuk and N. S. Turhal
(Post-Meeting Edition). Vol 26, No 15S (May 20 Supplement), 2008: 11526 © 2008 American Society of Clinical Oncology MUTFH, Istanbul, Turkey Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings

Clinical features and outcome of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in Turkish rectal carcinoma patients: Single institution experience F. Dane, M. Gumus, M. A. Ozturk, D. Cabuk, M. B. Atasoy, P. F. Yumuk, G. Basaran, M. S. Iyikesici, M. Teomete, U. Abacioglu and N. S. Turhal
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2008 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). Marmara University Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey; Marmara University Radiation Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey

Clinical outcome of node-negative (NN) breast cancer (BC) patients
Marmara University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Post-Meeting Edition). G. Atalay Basaran, D. Cabuk, F. Dane, M. Teomete, S. Iyikesici, E. Meltem, B. Gulluoglu, H. Kaya, U. AbaCloglu, F. Yumuk and S. Turhal

0utcome of patients with stage III and IV non-small cell lung cancer in Marmara University Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Journal of Thoracic Oncology: August 2007 - Volume 2 - Issue 8 - p S701 doi: 10.1 097jOl.JTO. 0000284031.87598.62 Yumuk, Perran F.; Teomete, Mehmet; Dane, Faysal; Cabuk, Devrim; Caglar, Hale B.; Abacioglu, Ufuk; Basaran, Gul; Turhal, Nazim S.


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