+90 216 456 82 12

Op. Dr. Ömer Faruk Vanlıoğlu
Op. Dr. Ömer Faruk Vanlıoğlu

Ad-Soyad : Ömer Faruk Vanlıoğlu
Akademik Ünvan : Operatör Doktor IVF
Mezun Olduğu Tıp Fakültesi ve yılı   :   İstanbul Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi 1985-1991 1991
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Aldığı Yer ve Yılı    :   İstanbul Süleymaniye Kadın Hastalıkları ve Eğitim Hastanesi 1998

Mesleki Deneyim    :    
San Antonio Fertility Center 1998-1999
Texas Üniversitesi Endoskopik Cerrahi Eğitimi 1999-2000
İstanbul Memorial Hastanesi  Tüp Bebek Genetik Reprodüktif Bölümü Klinik Doktoru  2000-2004
Metropolitan Florance  Nightingale Hastanesi Tüp Bebek ve Endoskopik Laser Cerrahisi  Bölümü  2004-2005
Çamlıca Medicana Hastanesi Tüp Bebek Merkezi kurucusu olup halen aynı merkezin Tüp Bebek ve Endoskopik Cerrahi Merkezi sorumlu doktoru olarak görev yapmaktadır 2005 ( Halen devam etmektedir. )

Bilimsel Yayınlar    :    
1-Laparoscopic myomectomy with temporary uterine artery ligation at its origin and contralateral internal artery ligation with vascular clips.Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu,3.Mesge Endoskopi kongresi,Antalya,Belek,2015
2-European Institue of Telesurgery,Certificate of Training in Minimal Access Surgery IRCAD-University of Strasbourg,France,20-23 April,2015
3-European Accreditation Council for Continuning Medical Education Minimal İnvasive Gynecological Surgery Course-Practical Laparoscopic Anatomy for Advanced Gynecological Techniques,Strasbourg,France,20-22 April,2015
4-’One Day Cadaver dissection workshop Organized at the İnstitute of Anatomy of Tubingen on April 23,2015,Tubingen,Germany
5-Laparoscopic Myomectomy,Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu,Video sunumu,V.Üreme Tıbbı ve Cerrahisi kongresi,28-31 Ekim 2015,Cornella Diamond Resort Belek,Antalya
6-Before laparoscopic myomectomy uterine artery ligation ,Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu,Esge Congress,Berlin 2014
7-6.Ege Jinekolojik Endoskopi Sempozyumu,19-22 mart 2014,Wyndham İzmir Hotel,Laparoskopik histerektomi öncesinde orijininden bilateral uterin arter ligasyonu,Video sunumu,Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu
8-Dev kistik kitlenin laparoskopik total eksizyonu,3.İzmir Endoskopi Kongresi,2010; Dr.Ömer Faruk Vanlıoğlu
9-Laser assisted zona thinning technique has no beneficial effect on the ART outcomes of two different maternal age groups, J.Assist Reprod Genet 2010, Pelin Kutlu,Ozhan Atvar, Omer Faruk Vanlioglu
10-Olgu sunumu: Apendikse bağlı sağ ovaryan abse,laparoskopik apendektomi, Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Dr.Adil Hakan İlhan.3.uludağ endoskopi kongresi;10-14 Şubat 2010 Almira hotel,Bursa
11- Laparoskopik Myomektomi, Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu, 3.uludağ endoskopi kongresi;10-14 Şubat 2010 Almira hotel,Bursa
12- Histeroskopik Submukozal İntramural Myom Eksizyon Tekniği, Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu, 3.uludağ endoskopi kongresi;10-14 Şubat 2010 Almira hotel,Bursa
13- Histeroskopik total septum eksizyon tekniği, Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu,3.uludağ endoskopi kongresi;10-14 Şubat 2010 Almira hotel,Bursa
14-Laser Assisted zone thinning technique has no beneficial effect on the ART outcome of two different maternal age groups,J.Assist Reprod Genet 2010,Omer Faruk Vanlioglu
15-Effect of the new registration and single-embryo transfer policy in Turkey on Assisted Reproduction outcomes:preliminary result.Kutlu P.,Vanlioglu OF,Reprod Biomed Online,2011 Feb;22(2);208-14.
16-Zayıf yanıt veren olgularda yeni ovulasyon indüksiyon protokolu ile transfer edilecek embriyo seçeneğinin arttırılması. F.Vanlıoğlu, R.Neslihanoğlu, P.Kutlu, Ö.Atvar; 6.Ulusal Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Kongresi, 14-19 Mayıs 2008, Antalya
17-(2007) F.Vanlioglu, E.Ozturk, H.Karagozoglu, G.Karlikaya, A.Guney, S.Lacin, S.Kahraman. Adding GnRH antagonist in patient with elevated progesteron levels on day 3 of the cycle on the outcome of ongoing pregnancy rate. 23rd annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 1-4 July Lyon 2007.
18-(2007) F.Vanlioglu, E.Ozturk, H.Karagozoglu, G.Karlikaya, A.Guney, S.Lacin, S.Kahraman. Effect of Heparin administration in PCOS patients with modere-severe OHSS. 23rd annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 1-4 July Lyon 2007.
19-(2006) F.Vanlioglu, L.Kupelioglu, K.Savan, J.Ozcan, G.Yildirim, E.Vanlioglu. Effect of previus ovarian surgery for endometrioma on the outcome of assisted reproduction treatment. 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Praque, 18-21 June 2006.
20- (2005) F.Vanlioglu, Y.Karaman, E.Vanlioglu., Effect of ovarian stromal destruction immediately before gonadotropin treatment in PCOS patients on the outcome of Assisted Reproduction Treatment. Conjoint Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 61 st Annual Meeting and the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society 51 st Annual Meeting, October 15-19, 2005 Palais de Congrès , Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
21-(2005) 13th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction&Genetics Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005 , F.Vanlioglu ,National Advisory Committee Members.
22-(2005) 13th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction&Genetics Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005, F.Vanlioglu, Chairperson:Gamete and Embryo Freezing And Thawing May 29, 2005.
23. (2005) Doç.Dr.Y.Karaman,Dr.Faruk Vanlıoğlu,Dr.Banu Bingöl Günenç;Jinekolojide laparoskopik cerrahi-Editör Prof.Dr.Umur Çolgar-İnfertilitede laparoskopik cerrahi- chapter -
24. (2005) Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Yücel Karaman, Banu Bingöl;VI Türk-Alman kongresi -Antalya-Kemer-oral presentasyon Effect of ovarian stromal destruction immediately before gonadotropin treatment in PCOS patients on the outcome of Assisted Reproduction Treatment
25. (2005) .Yücel Karaman, Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Banu Bingöl Günenç, Endometriozis üzerine güncel bakış ve ileri evre endometriozis cerrahisi 7.Uludağ Jinekolojik ve Obstetrik kış kongresi, 13-16 ocak-2005, Uludağ, Bursa.
26-(2004) Yücel Karaman, Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Laparoscopic management of adnexal masses-review., Current Concepts In Infertility and Reproductive Medicine, Proceeding of the XI. TIVAK&I. Turkish-French Congress in Reproductive Medicine&Infertility, Ankara, Turkey, 1-3 October, 2004.
27. (2004) Faruk Vanlioglu, Yücel Karaman . Effect of previous ovarian surgery for endometrioma on the outcome of assisted reproduction treatment. 1st International Congress on Reproductive Medicine (TSRM), 22-25 September, 2004, Istanbul.
28. (2004) M. Aygun, F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, B. Kumbak, S. Kahraman. Coasting May Effect Endometrial Thickness and Outcome. ASRM 16-20 October, Pennsylvania.
29. (2004) B. Kumbak , S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, F. Vanlioglu, H. Karagozoglu, M. Aygun .Embryo Development in Normal Responder Patients Given Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Antagonist in Stimulation Protocols: A Paradox. ASRM 16-20 October, Pennsylvania.
30. (2004) S. Sertyel, M. Aygun, H. Karagozoglu, F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, S. Kahraman.Can Endometrial Coculture Be an Alternative Culture System for Repeated ART Failures? ASRM 16-20 October, Pennsylvania.
31. (2004) Vanlıoğlu F., Kahraman S., Karlıkaya G., Karagözöglu H., Aygün M., Kumbak B. Comparison of bipolar and unipolar electrosurgical system in operative hysteroscopy. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. 27-30 June 2004, Berlin, Germany.
31. (2003) F. Vanlıoğlu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün. Effect of metformin on subgroups of polycystic ovaries patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproductive techniques. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine .11-15 October 2003, San Antonio, Texas.
32. (2003) F. Vanlıoğlu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün. Effect on luteal support with vaginal micronized progesterone gel in assisted reproduction. V. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Derneği ve II. Reproductive Medicine Tartışmalı Konular ve Çözümler Ortak Kongresi. 16-20.05.2003, Antalya, Türkiye.
33. (2003) Necati Findikli, Semra Kahraman, Semra Sertyel, Ersan Donmez, Sureyya Melil, Faruk Vanlioglu. Cumulative Embryo Scoring (CES): Not All Embryos Are Equal. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine .11-15 October 2003, San Antonio, Texas.
34. (2003) Guvenc Karlikaya, Semra Kahraman, Faruk Vanlioglu, Hale Karagozoglu, Melih Aygun, Banu Kumbak. Comparison of Three Different Protocols in the Group of Advanced Maternal Age with Diminished Ovarian Reserve. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine .11-15 October 2003, San Antonio, Texas.
35. (2003) A. Biricik, H. Berkil, H. Karadayı, E. Bakırcıoğlu, S. Kahraman, F. Fiorentino, S. Sertyel, E. Dönmez, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya. Molecular and cytogenetic analysis results in severe infertile males and their prognostic value for PGD in Turkish population. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
36. (2003) Yakup Kumtepe, Kayhan Yakın, Semra Kahraman, Semra Sertyel, Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Sami Cengiz, Ersan Dönmez. Male age is not an independent factor to affect the outcome of assisted reproductive techniques. International Journal of Andrology, 26: 161-165.
37. (2003) N. Fındıklı, S. Kahraman, A. Biricik, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, S. Melil, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya. Effect of zona manipulation on somatic cell nucleus transfer. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
38. (2003) N.C. Yılanlıoğlu, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, B. Kumbak, H. Berkil, A. Biricik, S. Sertyel, F. Vanlıoğlu. Outcome of pregnancies achieved trough preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
39. (2003) S. Sertyel, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, N. Fındıklı, S. Ünal, H. Yelke, S. Melil, F. Vanlıoğlu, M. Benkhalifa. Comparison of two different globozoospermia groups in the initial semen sample. V. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Derneği ve II. Reproductive Medicine Tartışmalı Konular ve Çözümler Ortak Kongresi. 16-20.05.2003, Antalya, Türkiye.
40. (2003) H. Berkil, A. Biricik, S. Kahraman, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün, M. Benkhalifa. Tekrarlayan implantasyon başarısızlığı ve/veya ileri anne yaşı olgularında preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel infertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, izmir, Türkiye.
41. (2003) Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. ART öncesi intra-uterin patoloji nedeniyle operatif histeroskopi yapılan olgularda kullanılan bipolar ve konvansiyonel unipolar elektrocerrahi tekniğinin karşılaştırılması. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel infertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, izmir, Türkiye.
42. (2003) A. Biricik, H. Berkil, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün, M. Benkhalifa. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri uygulanmış olan Türk populasyonunda preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel infertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, izmir, Türkiye.
43. (2002) Kahraman S., Yakın K., Vanlıoğlu F., Dönmez E., Karlıkaya G., Kumtepe Y. Metformin as an adjuvant therapy in patients with polycystic ovaries undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE. Vienna, Austria, 2002.
44. (2001) Yakın K., Kahraman S., Vanlıoğlu F., Kumtepe Y,, Fındıklı N. Comparison of microdose or standard doses of GnRH analogue in flare protocols for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in poor responders. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Orlando/Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, October 20-
45. (2003) Aygun M., Karlıkaya G., Vanlıoğlu F., Karagözoğlu H., Melil S., Kumtepe Y. and Kahraman S. Coasting period and embryo development with outcome. 19th Annual ESHRE Symposium, 29 June-2 July 2003, Madrid, Spain.
46. (2003) G. Karlıkaya, S. Kahraman, H. Berkil, A. Biricik, H. Karagözoğlu, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, F. Vanlıoğlu, M. Aygün, S. Melil, M. Benkhalifa. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis results for the recurrent implantation failure cases with or without advanced maternal age. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
47. (2003) N. Fındıklı, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, A. Biricik, H. Berkil, S. Sertyel, F. Vanlıoğlu. Embryo development and PGD outcome in translocations. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
48. (2003) N. Fındıklı, A. Biricik, N. Öncü, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, S Sertyel, S. Melil, M. Benkhalifa, F. Vanlıoğlu, H. Berkil. Assesment of DNA fragmantation and aneuploidy on slow growing embryos. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
49. (2003) F. Vanlıoğlu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün. Effect of Metformin on subgroups of polycystic ovaries patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproductive techniques. V. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Derneği ve II. Reproductive Medicine Tartışmalı Konular ve Çözümler Ortak Kongresi. 16-20.05.2003, Antalya, Türkiye.
50. (2003) H. Karagözoğlu, S. Kahraman, A. Biricik, H. Berkil, F. Vanlıoğlu, E. Dönmez, N. Fındıklı, G. Karlıkaya, M. Aygün, B. Kumbak. Efficiency of aneuploidy testing in patients with recurrent implantation failure. V. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Derneği ve II. Reproductive Medicine Tartışmalı Konular ve Çözümler Ortak Kongresi. 16-20.05.2003, Antalya, Türkiye.
51. (2003) Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. Response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in PCOS patients who underwent stromal destruction immediately before gonadotropin treatment. Current concepts treatment and ovulation induction, September 4-7, 2003, Kemer, Antalya.
52. (2003) Sertyel S., Kahraman S., Dönmez E., Fındıklı N., Unal S., Yelke H., Melil S., Vanlıoğlu F., Benkhalifa M. Can acridine orange test be a predictive value for chromosomal abnormalities? Alpha-Andrology 24-27 September 2003, Antwerp, Belgium.
53. (2003) F.Vanlıoglu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, H.Karagözoglu, M.Aygun. Effect of Metformin on subgroups of polycystic Ovaries patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. PCOS: Güncel Durum, Tedavi ve Ovulasyon induksiyonu Uluslar arası Sempozyum . 4-7 Eylül 2003 Antalya- Kemer.
54. (2003) Sertyel S., Kahraman S., Dönmez E., Fındıklı N., Unal S., Yelke H., Melil S., Vanlıoğlu F., Benkhalifa M. ART and PGD results of severe Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia patients. Alpha-Andrology 24-27 September 2003, Antwerp, Belgium.
55. Sertyel S., Kahraman S., Dönmez E., Fındıklı N., Unal S., Yelke H., Melil S., Vanlıoğlu F., Benkhalifa M. Comparison of two different globozoospermia groups according to prevalence of round headed forms. Alpha-Andrology 24-27 September 2003, Antwerp,Belgium.
56. (2002) Kahraman S., Biricik A., Yılanlıoğlu N.C., Vanlıoğlu F., Kumtepe Y., Berkil H. ART tedavisi gören 226 olguda preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları ve elde edilen gebeliklerin endikasyonlara göre prognozları. II. World Congress of Perinatal medicine for Developing Countries & VIII. Ulusal Perinatoloji Kongresi. 1-5 Ekim 2002, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
57. (2002) Yakin K., Kahraman S., Vanlioglu F., Kumtepe Y., Donmez E. and Sertyel S. Prolonged coasting over 3 days adversely affects the outcome in ART cycles. ESHRE 2002, 18th Annual Meeting, July 1-3 2002, Vienna.
58. (2002) S. Kahraman, S. Cengiz, Y. Kumtepe, M. Benkhalifa, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, N. Findikli, F. Vanlioglu, K. Yakin, P. Vanderzwalmen. Pronuclear morphology scoring and chromosomal complements of embryos. Fourth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics”, Limassol, Cyprus, April 10-13, 2002.
59. (2001) Semra Kahraman, Kayhan Yakin, Murat Samli, Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Semra Sertyel, Ersan Dönmez. A comparative study of three techniques for the analysis of sperm recovery: Touch print cytology, wet preparation and testicular histopathology. Global Congress on Gynecologic Endoscopy, Infertility & ART, December 6-9, 2001, Goa, India.
60. (2001) S. Kahraman, F. Vanlioglu, K. Yakin, S. Cengiz and G. Karlikaya.
A comparative trial of metformin and oral contraceptive pretreatment in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing ICSI for severe male factor infertility. 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. October 20-25, 2001, Orlando, Florida.
61. (2001) Kahraman S., Yakin K, Samli M, Vanlioglu F, Karlikaya G, Sertyel S, Donmez E. A comparative study of three techniques for the analysis of sperm recovery: touch-print cytology, wet preparation, and testicular histopathology. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2001, 18(7):357-63.
62. (2003) Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. Effect of metformin on subgroups of polycystic ovaries patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Current concepts treatment and ovulation induction, September 4-7, 2003, Kemer, Antalya.
63. (2004) Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. Comparison of bipolar and unipolar electrosurgical system in operative hysteroscopy. Palandöken Kadın Doğum Kış Kongresi, 3-7 Mart 2004, Erzurum.
64. (2003) Sertyel S, Bakircioglu E, Karlikaya G, Biricik A, Vanlioglu F, Findikli N, Oncu N, Gurkan S, Gur A, Berkil H, Oral E and Kahraman S. Results of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in patients with Klinefelter’s syndrome. ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
65. (2003) Melil S, Sertyel S, Bakircioglu E, Biricik A, Karlikaya G, Oncu N, Berkil H, Karagozoglu H, Vanlioglu F, Unal S, Yelke H, Findikli N and Kahraman S. Outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in cases with severe sperm morphological defects. ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
66. (2003) A. Biricik, H. Berkil, H. Karadayı, E. Bakırcıoğlu, S. Kahraman, F. Fiorentino, S. Sertyel, E. Dönmez, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya. Molecular and cytogenetic analysis results in severe infertile males and their prognostic value for PGD in Turkish population. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
67. (2002) S. Kahraman, S. Cengiz, Y. Kumtepe, M. Benkhalifa, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, N. Findikli, F. Vanlioglu, K. Yakin, P. Vanderzwalmen. Pronuclear morphology scoring and chromosomal complements of embryos. Fourth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics”, Limassol, Cyprus, April 10-13, 2002.
68. (2002) Kahraman S., Biricik A., Yılanlıoğlu N.C., Vanlıoğlu F., Kumtepe Y., Berkil H. ART tedavisi gören 226 olguda preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları ve elde edilen gebeliklerin endikasyonlara göre prognozları. II. World Congress of Perinatal medicine for Developing Countries & VIII. Ulusal Perinatoloji Kongresi. 1-5 Ekim 2002, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
69. (2001)  Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.Andrology: A Comparative Study of Three Techniques for the Analysis of Sperm Recovery: Touch-Print Cytology, Wet Preparation, and Testicular Histopathology
Kahraman, Semra. Yakin, Kayhan. Samli, Murat. Vanlioglu, Faruk. Karlikaya, Guvenc. Sertyel, Semra. Donmez, Ersan.
(Page 357 – 363)
70. (2000) Kadir SAVAN, Atilla ÇANKAYA, Ömer Faruk VANLIOĞLU, Yakup KUMTEPE, Ziya ÇEBİ. Evaluatıon of threatened preterm delıvery by transvagınal ultrasonographıc measurement of cervıcal length versus dıgıtal cervıcal examınatıon. Perinatoloji Dergisi 2000; 8(3-4): 88-93.


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