Yrd. Doç. Dr. Haluk Gümüş
Ad-Soyad : Haluk Gümüş
Akademik Ünvan : Yardımcı Doçent Doktor
Mezun Olduğu Tıp Fakültesi ve yılı : Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2003
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Aldığı Yer ve Yılı : Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi 2010
Web Sitesi
Mesleki Deneyim :
Konya Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi (2011-2015)
Manisa Merkezefendi Devlet Hastanesi (2015)
Bilimsel Yayınlar :
7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)
1. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Female Sexuality: A Controlled Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014; 11(2):481-486
2. Yilmaz SD, Gumus H, Yilmaz H. Journal of Sex& Marital Therapy 2015;
41(2); 145-154
3. Dogan NO, Akıncı E, Gumus H, Akıllı NB, Aksel G. Predictors of Inhospital Mortality in Geriatric Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Ischemic Stroke. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2014 Sep 16.
4. Akıncı E, Dogan NO, Gumus H, Akıllı NB. Can we use serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels to predict early mortality in stroke?. Pak J Med Sci 2014 May;30(3):606-10
5. Ivelik K, Koylu R, Akinci E, Cander B, Dundar ZD, Koylu O, Gumus H. Determination of netrin-1 levels in patients that applied to emergency department with stroke and its effects on survival for 6 months. American Journal of Internal Medicine 2014; 2(6): 150-155
6. Guney F, Gumus H, Ogmegul A, Kandemir B, Emlik D, et al. First case report of neurobrucellosis associated with hydrocephalus. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2008; 110(7):739-742
7. Tokgöz OS, Dogan EA, Gumus H, Ilhan N, Ural O. Concomitant neuromyelitis optica and cytomegalovirus-associated retinitis in an immunocompetent female. Acta Neurologica Belgica 2014;114(1):77-79
8. E Akıncı , R Köylü, M Yortanlı , H Gümüş , Oznur Köylü, L Altıntepe, B Cander. Acute bismuth intoxication: acute renal failure, tonsillar ulceration and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine 2015 Mar; 22(2):1-5
9. Uca AU, Kozak HH, Uğuz F, Gumus H. Parkinsonism Related to Varenicline in a Patient During Smoking Cessation. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2015 June; 35( 3):1-2
7.2. Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1. Gumus H, Akkurt HE, Odabas FO, Yılmaz H, Uca AU. Neutrophil-Lymphocyte ratio as disease activity indicator in Multiple Sclerosis patients. HealthMED 2015: 9(5); 185-1
2. Guney F, Gumus H, Emlik D, Kaya A. Dıabetes Mellıtus wıth Left Transverse and Sıgmoıd Sınus Thrombosıs Extending ınto The Internal Jugular Veın. Acta Endocrinologica (Buc). 2011: 7(2): 283-90
3. Yilmaz H, Erkin G, Gumus H, Nalbant L. Coexistence of Neurofibromatosis Type-1 and MTHFR C677T Gene Mutation in a Young Stroke Patient: A Case Report. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2013;2013:735419. doi: 10.1155/2013/735419. Epub 2013 Feb 27.
7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler
1. Ivelik K, Koylu R, Akıncı E, Cander B, Dundar ZD, Koylu O, Gumus H. (Oral presentations) Determination of Netrin-1 Levels ın Patients That Applied to Emergency Department wıth Stroke and ıts Effects on Survıval for 6 Months. 7th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress Marsellie, France. 8-11 September2013.
2. Akıncı E, Dogan NO, Gumus H, Akıllı NB, Cevık Y. (Oral presentations) Can we use serum gamma-glutamyl transferase levels to predıct early mortalıty ın Stroke? 7th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress Marsellie, France. 8-11 September2013
3. Akıncı E, Dogan NO, Gumus H, Akıllı NB, Cevık Y. (Oral prsentation) Assocıatıon of serum Rdw ( Red blood cell dıstrıbutıon wıdth) Levels wıth early mortalıty ın patıents referred to emergency servıce for acute stroke. 7th Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress Marsellie, France. 8-11 September2013
4. Yılmaz SD, Gumus H, Yılmaz H. Sexual life of poststroke wome with mild or no disability:A qualitative study. (Poster Presentation) 21th World Congress of Neurology. Vienna, Austria. 21-26 June 2013.
5. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. The effects of multiple sclerosis on women's sexuality: A controlled study (Poster Presentation) 21th World Congress of Neurology. Vienna, Austria. 21-26 June 2013
6. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Demir O, İlhan S. Evolutıon of Movement Related Cortical Potentials in Early Stage Parkinson Disease (Poster presentation) 21th World Congress of Neurology. Vienna, Austria. 21-26 June 2013.
7. Yılmaz S, Gumus H, Odabas FO, Akkurt E, Yılmaz H. What do Women with Multiple Sclerosis Thınk about Marriage and Pregnancy? (Poster presentation) The 20th World congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology& Infertility (COGI) All about Women's Health. Paris, France, December 4-7, 2014
8. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Tokgoz OS. The Relationship between Pain and Clinical Features in Multiple Sclerosis. 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Neurologıcal Association in partnership with the Societe Française de Neurologie (Poster presentation). New Orleans, USA, October 13-15, 2013.
9. SD Yılmaz, Gumus H, Odabas FO, Akkurt HE, Yılmaz H. Sex life of women with multiple sclerosis: qualitative study. Poster 845. 2014 Joint ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS Meeting Boston, USA, September 10-13,2014.
7.4. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler
1. Paul W Brazis, Joseph C. Masdeu, Jose Bıller. Nörolojide Klinik Lokalizasyonlar Çeviri Editörleri: Remzi Yiğiter, M.Ali Elçi.9.Bölüm Çeviri V.Kranial Sinir (Trigeminal Sinir) Haluk GÜMÜŞ
7.5. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
1. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Demir O. Erken Evre Parkinson Hastalığında Motor Olmayan Semptomların Değerlendirilmesi. Turkısh Journal of Neurology 2013;19:97-103.
2. Akpınar Z, Tokgöz OS, Gumus H. Multipl Sklerozda Ağrı ve Klinik Özelliklerle İlişkisi. Turkısh Journal of Neurology.2014; 20: 79-83
3. Gumus H. Serebral Venöz Tromboz: 33 olgunun retrospektif incelenmesi Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 2015; Apr 31(1):12-15.
4. Gumus H, Gumus M. Sydenham Kore. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 2015: 31(2): 95-101.
5. Guney F, Gumus H, Eren OE. Nasofarenks Kanserli Bir Hastada Paraneoplastik Hemiballismus. Türkiye Klinikleri J Neurol 2013;8(1):20-3
6. Gumus H, Guney F. Postanoksik Parkinsonizm. Olgu Sunumu.Turkısh Journal of Neurology 2013:19:23.
7. Gumus H, Akpınar Z. Relepsing Remitting Multipl Skleroz Kliniğini Taklit eden Sjögren Sendromu. Turkısh Journal of Neurology 2013:19:97-103
8. Gumus H, Aygun MS. Spontan Vertebral Arter Diseksiyonu Sonucu Gelişen Opalski Sendromu. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 2014; 30(1):27-28
9. Gumus H, Yılmaz H, Yıldırım G. Kortıkal infarkt sonucu gelişen izole el bilek paralizisi: Olgu sunumu. Turkısh Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases 2014: 20(3):120-122
7.6. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
7.7. Diğer yayınlar
1. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Female Sexuality: A Controlled Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014; 11(2):481-486 (Atıf alan yayın)
E Fragala, G.I Russo, A.Di Rosa, R. Giardina, S. Privetera, V. Favilla, T. Castelli, M. Chisari et al. Relationship between urudynamic findings and sexual functıon ın multiple sclerosis patients with lower urinary tract dysfunctıon. European Journal on Neurology 2015:22; 485-492
2. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Female Sexuality: A Controlled Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014; 11(2):481-486 (Atıf alan yayın)
Lew-Starowicz M, MD, PhD Rola R, MD,PhD. Correlates of Sexual Functıon in Male and Female Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014: DOI.10.1111/jsm.12
3. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Female Sexuality: A Controlled Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014; 11(2):481-486 (Atıf alan yayın)
Fragala E, MD, Privetera S, MD, Raimondo G, MD, Di Rosa A, MD, Russo GI, MD, Favilla V et al. Determinants of Sexual Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis in Male and Female Patients with Lower Urınary Tract Dysfunctıon: Results from an Italıan Cross-Sectıonal Study. Internal Socıety for Sexual Medicine 2014:11:2406-241
4. Gumus H, Akpınar Z, Yılmaz H. Effects of Multiple Sclerosis on Female Sexuality: A Controlled Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2014; 11(2):481-486 (Atıf alan yayın)
Cordeau D, Courtois F. Sexual disorders in Women with MS: Assesment and management. Annals of Physıcal and Rehabilitation Medicine 2014: 57; 337-34
5. Guney F, Gumus H, Ogmegul A, Kandemir B, Emlik D, et al. First case report of neurobrucellosis associated with hydrocephalus. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2008; 110(7):739-742 (Atıf alan yayın)
Gul HC, Erdem H, Bek S. Overview of neurobrucellosis: a pooled analysis of 187 cases. International Journal of Infectıous Diseases. 2009: 13(6); 339-343
6. Guney F, Gumus H, Ogmegul A, Kandemir B, Emlik D, et al. First case report of neurobrucellosis associated with hydrocephalus. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2008; 110(7):739-742 (Atıf alan yayın)
Sathyanarayanan V, Razak A, Saravu K, Ananthakrishna SB, Prabhu MM, Vandana KE. Clinical profile of brucellosis from a tertiary care center in southern India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2011: 4(5); 397-40
7. Guney F, Gumus H, Ogmegul A, Kandemir B, Emlik D, et al. First case report of neurobrucellosis associated with hydrocephalus. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 2008; 110(7):739-742 (Atıf alan yayın)
Sathyanarayanan V, Ragini B, Razak A, Prabhu MM. Brucella meningoencephalitis with hydrocephalus masquerading as tuberculosis. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2010: 10(3); 837-837