+90 216 456 82 12

Yrd. Doç. Yıldız Kaya
Yrd. Doç. Yıldız Kaya


Unvan : Yrd.Doç.

Tıbbi Birim : Nöroloji

Uzmanlık : Nöroloji

Şube : Atakent Hastanesi

E-Posta : yildiz.kaya@acibadem.com.tr

Web Sitesi:


2004 Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji
1997 Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1991 T.E.D. Ankara Koleji

2013 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
2010 -  Max Planck Institute for Brain Research,Department of Neurophysiology,Frankfurt Almanya
2009 - 2013 Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı
2004 - 2009 Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı
1999 - 2004 Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı

European Federation of Neurological Society
Türk Tabipler Birliği
Türk Nöroloji Derneği
Türk Alzheimer Derneği


Evaluation of the cognitive functions in patients with chronic renal failure before and after renal transplantation.
Acta Neurol Belg 2013;113(2):147-155 (SCI-Exp) Kaya Y, Ozturkeri OA, Benli US, Colak T.

A case with spontaneous vertebral artery dissection associated with heterozygotic mutation of MTHFR C677T and Factor V Leiden.
Eur J Neurol 18 - SI (Supplement: 2) : 383-383, 2011. Çolakoğlu D, Benli ÜS, Kaya Y, Kibaroğlu S, Yıldırım İ.

An Observational Study in Naturalistic Setting on the Efficacy of Memantine on Behavioral Symptoms of Alzheimer Disease.
ICAD 2010, Paris, France 2-    Gurvit H, Kulaksızoğlu IB, Emre M, Babacan G, Hanagası H, Kutluer I, Kaya Y and The PMS 115 Study Group.

The effect of the plasminogen activator inhibitor 4G/5G gene polymorphism on the risk of ischemic stroke.
J Neurological Sciences, 285: S93-S94 Suppl. 1, 2009 Eraslan F, Benli US, Toprak MK, Atac B, Can U, Kaya Y.

A possible case of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease.
J Neurological Sciences, 285: S280-S280 Suppl. 1, 2009 Toprak MK, Kaya Y, Benli S, Ure S, Can U.

Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage.
J Neurological Sciences, 285: S231-S232 Suppl. 1, 2009 Celikbilek A, Benli S, Toprak MK, Kaya Y, Can U.

Two monosymptomatic patients: multiple sclerosis or collagen tissue disorders, a challenging diagnosis.
J Neurological Sciences, 285: S214-S214 Suppl. 1,2009 Toprak MK, Sezer D, Benli S, Can U, Kaya Y.

Neurophysiologic basis of front-mu points. Neuroanatomy 2009;8:32-35.
Cabıoğlu MT, Kaya Y, Sürücü HS.

Trauma and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
Journal of International Medical Research, 2008;36(1):9-16. (SCI) Kaya A, Taner Y, Güçlü B, Taner E, Kaya Y, Bahçıvan HG, Benli IT.

Treatment differences in cases with venous angioma.
Turk Neurosurg. 2007;17(1):40-4. (SCI-exp) Gülşen S, Altinörs N, Atalay B, Benli S, Kaya Y.


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