Prof. Dr. A. Mehmet Demirtaş
Prof. Dr. A. Mehmet DEMİRTAŞ
Ortopedi Ve Travmatoloji Uzmani
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Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji
Doğum Yeri, Tarihi
Bolu / Türkiye , 1959
Yabancı Diller
İngilizce, Almanca, Japonca
E-mail Adresi
Telefon Numarası
444 7 888
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı
2013 - Halen, Ankara/Türkiye
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AnaBilim dalı - Profosör
2001 - 2011, Ankara/Türkiye
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AnaBilim dalı - Doçent
1993 - 2001, Ankara/Türkiye
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AnaBilim dalı - Öğretim Görevlisi
1991 - 1993, Ankara/Türkiye
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AnaBilim dalı Uzmanlık Eğitimi
1985 - 1991 , Ankara/Türkiye
Tıp Doktoru Eğitimi
1977 - 1983 , Ankara/Türkiye
Bilimsel Yayınları
Karalezli N, Uz A, Esmer AF, Demirtaş M, Taşcı AG, Kütahya H, Ulusoy G. Tendon Interposition and Ligament Reconstruction with ECRL Tendon in the Late Stages of Kienböck's Disease: A Cadaver Study ScientificWorldJournal. 2013 Mar 31;2013:416246.
Armangil M, Bezirgan U, Başarır K, Bilen G, Demirtaş M, Bilgin SS.
The pronator quadratus muscle after plating of distal radius fractures: is the muscle still working.Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2013 Feb 23. Basat HC, Kalem M, Binnet MS, Demirtaş M.
Pulmonary thromboembolism after surgical treatment of ulna pseudoarthrosis: A case report.Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2011;45(4):284-7.
Burak Akan • Mehmet Armangil • Kerem Basarir •Halil Acar • Sinan Sirri Bilgin Mehmet Demirtas Clinical evaluation of an antero-medial approach for plate fixation of th proximal humeral shaft Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol July 2011
Mehmet Armangil • Burak Akan • Kerem Basarir •Sirri Sinan Bilgin • Serkan Gürcan • Mehmet Demirtas Arthroscopic release of the subscapularis for shoulder contracture of obstetric palsy Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol Feb 2011
Onur Polat1 ,Gurur Polat1,Sercin Karahuseyinoglu1Nüket Yörür Kutlay1, Arzu Gül Tasci1, Esra Erdemli1, Ajlan Tukun1, Mustafa Cihat Avunduk1, Sükrü Küplülü1 , Mehmet Demirtas Bone Fracture Healing with Umbilico-Placental Mononuclear Cells: A Controlled Animal StudyJournal European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2009
Köse KC, Tezen E, Cebesoy O, Karadeniz E, Guner D, Adiyaman S, Demirtas M. Mini-open versus all-arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: Comparison of the operative costs and the clinical outcomes. Adv Ther. 2008 Mar;25(3):249-59.
Köse KC, Bilgin S, Cebesoy O, Altinel L, Akan B, Guner D, Doganay B, Adiyaman S, Demirtas M.Clinical results versus subjective improvement with anterior transposition in cubital tunnel syndrome.Adv Ther2007 Sep-Oct;24(5):996-1005
Cebesoy O, Kose KC, Kuru I, Altinel L, Gul R, Demirtas M.
Use of a splint following open carpal tunnel release: a comparative study. Adv Ther. 2007 May-Jun;24(3):478-84
Sahin G, Demirtaş M. An overview of MR arthrography with emphasis on the current technique and applicational hints and tips. Eur J Radiol. 2006 Jun;58(3):416-30. Epub 2006 Feb 7. Review
Demirtaş M. [Evaluation of shoulder instability under general anesthesia and arthroscopic diagnosis] Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2005;39 Suppl 1:34-9.
Bilgin SS, Kose KC, Demirtas M, Adiyaman S. Necessity of inspection of superficial palmar arch by blunt dissection from exit portal in endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Aug;114(2):602-3.
Bilgin SS, Köse KC, Adiyaman S, Demirtaş M. [Early functional results of arthroscopic surgery for ankle lesions] Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2004;38(1):23-9.
Bilgin SS, Olcay SE, Derincek A, Adiyaman S, Demirtas M. Can simple release relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome caused by a persistent median artery? Clinical experience. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Apr;124(3):154-6. Epub 2004 Feb 6
Sahin G, Dogan BE, Demirtaş M. Virtual MR arthroscopy of the wrist joint: a new intraarticular perspective. Skeletal Radiol. 2004 Jan;33(1):9-14. Epub 2003 Nov 6
Subasi M, Kesemenli C, Necmioglu S, Kapukaya A, Demirtas M. Supracondylar process of the humerus. Acta Orthop Belg. 2002 Feb;68(1):72-5
Günal I, Ozçelik A, Göktürk E, Ada S, Demirtaş M. Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative punctate bleeding to assess the vascularity of scaphoid nonunion. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 1999;119(5-6):285-7
Gurkan I, Yilmaz C, Demirtas M. Unilateral radioscaphoid synostosis with bilateral hypoplastic thumbs. J Hand Surg [Br]. 1998 Feb;23(1):62-3.
Saglık Y, Demirtas M, Demirors H. Metastatic tumours of the hand. A case report. Int Orthop. 1996;20(2):123-4
Atasever T, Soylu A, Korkmaz M, Aras G, Demirtas M, Erbay G. Mall de Pott. A cause of photopenic lesion on Tc-99m HMPAO-labeled leukocyte scintigraphy. Clin Nucl Med. 1993 Jan;18(1):88-9.
Matsunaga S, Sakou T, Morizono Y, Masuda A, Demirtas AM. Natural history of degenerative spondylolisthesis. Pathogenesis and natural course of the slippage. Spine. 1990 Nov;15(11):1204-10.
İnternational presentations (Proceedings)
Bilgin, S.S., Uçar, D.H., Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., Mergen, E., “Surgical Treatment of Sprengel’s Deformity,” 15th Meeting of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, sayfa 63, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti, (Absract Volume), 1996.
Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., Bilgin, S.S., “Reverse Pedicle Reconstruction of the Hand,” 7th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, sayfa 7, Vancouver, Kanada, (Absract Volume), 1998
Demirtaş, M., Bilgin, S.S., Adıyaman, S., Gürkan, İ., Karakaş, A., “Surgical Treatment of the Rotator Cuff Lesions,” 3rd Advanced Practical Course on Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, sayfa 43, Oulu, Finlandiya, (Abstract Volume), 1998.
Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., Bilgin, S.S.,Yılmaz, C., Gürkan, İ., “Vascularised Iliac Graft in Treatment of Aseptic Necrosis of the Femoral Head,” 14th International Microsurgical Society Congress, sayfa 94, Corfu, Yunanistan, (Abstract Volume), 1998.
Bilgin, S.S., Adıyaman, S., Demirtaş, M., Yılmaz, C., Bayrakçı, K., “Endoscopic Release of Carpal Tunnel: Mid-term Results,” 1st European Appointed XX. National Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic Surgeons, sayfa 55, İstanbul, Türkiye, (Abstract Volume), 1998.
Bilgin, S.S., Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., Yılmaz, C., Gürkan, İ., “Applications of Reverse Radial Forearm Flap and Digital Island Flap for Reconstruction of Volar and Dorsal Defects of the Hand,” 1st European Appointed XX. National Congress of the Turkish Society of Plastic Surgeons, sayfa 54, İstanbul, Türkiye, (Abstract Volume), 1998.
Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., Bilgin, S.S., Ege, R., “Endoscopic Release of Carpal Tunnel,” 43rd Congress of Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand, sayfa 260, Kyoto, Japonya, The Journal of Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand 17, Suppl, 2000.
Bilgin, S.S., Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., “Endoscopic Release of Carpal Tunnel,” Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand 15th Annual Congress, sayfa 19, Hong Kong, (Abstract Volume), 2001.
Demirtaş, M., Doğan, B.E., Bilgin, S.S., Akyar, G., “Virtual Magnetic Resonance Arthroscopy for the Evaluation of Radiocarpal Joint,” VIIIth Congress of the Federation of the European Soieties for Surgery of the Hand, sayfa 18, Amsterdam, Hollanda, The Journal of Hand Surgery 27B, Suppl 1, 2002.
Bilgin, S.S., Yetiş, T., Soydan, C., Demirtaş, M., Adıyaman, S., “Does Painful Postoperative Period Exist in Endoscopic Release of Carpal Tunnel?,” IX. Congress of Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, sayfa 70, Lizbon, Portekiz,The Journal of Hand Surgery 28B, Suppl 1, 2003.
Demirtaş, M., Bilgin, S.S., Sağlık, Y., Güçlü, B., Yıldız, Y., “Malignant and Metastatic Tumors of the Hand,” 9th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for surgery of the Hand, sayfa352-353, Budapeşte, Macaristan, (Abstract Book),2004.
Demirtaş, M. Bilgin, S.S., Köse, K.Ç., Uçar, H., Adıyaman, S., “Comparison of the Results of Anterior Transposition Methods and Post-operative Subjective Outcome Periods in Cubital Tunnel Syndrome,” 9th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for surgery of the Hand, sayfa 275-276, Budapeşte, Macaristan, (Abstract Book), 2004.
Mehmet Demirtas. Shoulder dislocations in athletes : Current concepts 10th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery.May 2009 Antalya
Mehmet Demirtas. Slap Lesions in Shoulder. 6th European Sports Medicine Congress (Abstracts Book p:42)May October 2009 Antalya
Ercan Sahin. Mehmet Armangil, Sinan Bilgin, Mehmet Demirtas.Effect of Botilinum Toxin A on Rotator Cuff Repair in A Rat Model.11th İnternational Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Edinburgh ScotlandSeptember 2010
M. Kalem, E.Sahin, M. Armangil, M.Demirtas.The local effects of the anti-adhesive material applied to the subacromial region in rotator cuff repair and subacromial decompression performed rabbit model. Congress of the European Society forSurgery of the Shoulder and the ElbowSECEC-ESSSE 18-22 september 2012 CROATIA
Mehmet Demirtas Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair decision making 5th Meeting the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology(EFOST) Nov 2008
Mehmet Demirtas Anatomy Of Subscapularis And Effects Of Open And Arthroscopic Techniques On Subscapularis Function. 5thMeeting the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology(EFOST) Nov 2008
A.Mehmet Demirtas, Sırrı Sinan Bilgin,Nazım Karalezli. Ligament Reconstruction Tendon Interposition in Late Stage Kienböck’s Disease. IFSSH 11th Triennial Congress (Abstracts Book p:270)Seoul Korea November 2010
Mehmet Demirtas.Arthroscopic assisted Bristow procedure for revision anterior shoulder instability. İnternational Congress Kosova Society Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons.(Abstract Book p:18) Prishtina May 2010
Mehmet Demirtas. Arhroscopic rotator cuff repair all inside technique .İnternational Congress Kosova Society Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons.(Abstract Book p:18) Prishtina May 2010
Mehmet Demirtas. Arthroscopic subscapularis release for Obstetrical palsy contractures in children.İnternational Congress Kosova Society Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons.(Abstract Book p:19) Prishtina May 2010
Mehmet Demirtas Distal radius malunions volar approach and corrective osteotomy with locking volar plates .İnternational Congress Kosova Society Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons.Abstract Book p:19)Prishtina May 2010
Mehmet Demirtas Vascularised iliac crist pedicle grafting for İdiopathic Femoral Head AVN stages I,II A.İnternational Congress Kosova Society Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeons.(Abstracts Book p:21)Prishtina May 2010
Mehmet Demirtas. First Time Anterior Shoulder Dislocation Decision Making. 1st International Congress of The Mediterranian Countries on Joint Surgery. June 2011 Palermo Italy
Mehmet Demirtas. Arthroscopic Interposition Arthroplasty of Shoulder in Young Cases.16th Pan Arab Orthopaedic Congress(Abstracts Book p:22) November 2011 Amman Jordan
Mehmet Demirtas.Single Anterior Portal Bankart Repair.16th Pan Arab Orthopaedic Congress (Abstracts Book p:22)November 2011 Amman Jordan
Mehmet Demirtas.Early Results of Arthroscopic Baloon Application for Irrepairable Rotator Cuff Tears. 16th Pan Arab Orthopaedic Congress (Abstracts Book p:24)November 2011 Amman Jordan
Mehmet Demirtas.New Concept of Distal radius Plating Side Moving Plate.16th Pan Arab Orthopaedic Congress (Abstracts Book p:19)November 2011 Amman Jordan
Mehmet Demirtaş.Artroscopic assisted Bristow+Bankart for anterior Shoulder instability 1st SEHA Mafraq Hospital International Orthopaedic Conference (conference Book page 30) Abu-Dhabi United Arab Emirates February 2013
Katıldığı Mesleki Eğitimler, Kurslar ve Konferanslar
AO Trauma Kursları Uluslararası eğitici
Ankara 2014 ileri kurs
İstanbul 2013 İleri kurs
Amman 2013 El Kursu
Basel 2013 İleri Masters kurs
Dubai 2012 El kursu
Microaire Endoscopic Carpal tünel kadavra canlı cerrahi Antalya 2012, Paris 2013
Mitek Surgical Academy Omuz artroskopi kursu Antalya 2012, 2011
Omuz artroskopisi kursu Antalya 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Dirsek artroskopisi kadavra kursu 2010, 2011
Mesleki Üyelikleri
Turk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Birliği Derneği (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi 2008-2010)
Turk El ve Üst Ekstremite cerrahisi Derneği (Yönetim Kurulu 2.Başkan 2004-2008)
Turk Omuz ve Dirsek cerrahisi Derneği (Yönetim Kurulu Başkan 2011-2013)
Turk- Japon Universiteliler derneği (Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi 2000-2006)
Turk Mikrocerrahi ve Rekonstrüksiyon derneği
AO Alumni Derneği ( Uluslararası Eğitmen)
Türkiye Jimnastik Federasyonu Yönetim Kurulu üyesi (Sağlık kurulu Başkanı)2004-2012)
Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Sağlık kurulu ,Performens İcra kurulu üyesi
Türkiye Voleybol Federasyonu Sağlık kurulu üyesi
Türkiye Tenis Federasyonu Sağlık kurulu üyesi
International Orthopaedic Society (SİCOT)
International Federation Societies For the Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH)
Federation Europian Societies For The Surgery of the Hand(FESSH)
European Society for Sports Traumatology,Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)