+90 216 456 82 12

Doç. Dr. Şahin Şenay
Doç. Dr. Şahin Şenay


Unvan : Doç. Dr.

Tıbbi Birim : Kardiyovasküler Cerrahi

Uzmanlık : Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi

Şube : Maslak Hastanesi

E-Posta : sahin.senay@acibadem.com.tr

Web Sitesi : 


2008 Acıbadem Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Bölümü
2005 Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi
2000 Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
1994 İzmir Fen Lisesi

2008 - 2009 Leipzig Heart Center, Visiting Fellowship
2005 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
2005 - 2007 Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
2000 - 2005 Dr. Siyami Ersek Göğüs, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Derneği
European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery
European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network


Endovascular treatment of occlusive abdominal aortic thrombosis.
Heart Vessels 2010;25(1):70-2 Alhan C, Karabulut H, Senay S, Cagil H, Toraman F.

Efficiency of preoperative tranexamic acid in coronary bypass surgery; an analyze correlated with use of preoperative clopidogrel.
Senay S, Toraman F, Karabulut H, Alhan C. Heart Surg Forum. 2010 Jun 1;13(3):E149-54

Readmission to intensive care unit after fast track cardiac surgery; an analysis of risk factors and outcome according to the type of operation.
Heart Surg Forum 2010;13(4):E212-7 Toraman F, Senay S, Gullu U, Karabulut H, Alhan C.

Continuous arterial pressure waveform analysis accurately detects cardiac output in cardiac surgery: A prospective comparison with thermodilution, echocardiography, and magnetic resonance techniques.
Heart Surg Forum 2009;12(2):E75-8. Senay S, Toraman F, Gelmez S, Dağdelen S, Karabulut H, Alhan C.

Is it the patient or the physician who cannot tolerate anemia? A prospective analysis in 1854 non-transfused coronary artery surgery patients.
Senay S, Toraman F, Karabulut H, Alhan C. Perfusion. 2009 Nov;24(6):373-80

The impact of allogenic red cell transfusion and coated bypass circuit on the inflammatory response during cardiopulmonary bypass: A randomized study.
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009;8(1):93-9 Senay S, Toraman F, Gunaydin S, Kilercik M, Karabulut H, Alhan C.

Preserved pleural integrity provides better respiratory function and pain score after coronary surgery.
J Card Surg 2009;24(4):374-8 Gullu AU, Ekinci A, Sensoz Y, Kizilay M, Senay S, Arnaz A, Coruh T, Ates M, Akcar M.

Treatment of delayed retrograde aortic dissection after endovascular stenting of descending aorta; graft to endograft anastomosis.
Heart Surg Forum 2009;12(1):E61-2 Karabulut H, Senay S, Cagil H, Toraman F, Alhan C.

Endovascular treatment of rapidly expanding thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm after surgical repair of acute type A dissection.
Senay S, Alhan C, Karabulut H, Toraman F, Cagil H. Ann Thorac Surg 2008;85(2):636-8

Alterations in the release of bronchiale and pulmonary function after cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with normal and decreased respiratory capacity.
Senay S, Orhan G, Velioglu A, Ozay B, Sargın M, Tasdemir M, Yucel O, Kurc E, Aykut A.S. Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2008;16(2):74-79


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