+90 216 456 82 12

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Gerek
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Gerek

Branş    Kulak, Burun ve Boğaz Hastalıkları

Telefon    0 312 304 20 00
Web Sitesi    http://www.drmustafagerek.com

Adres    Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi - General Dr.Tevfik Sağlam Cad. Etlik / Ankara

İl/İlçe    Ankara

Doktor Hakkında

NAME                      :Mustafa GEREK, MD, B.General       
BIRTH DATE            :May 07, 1963
HOME ADDRESS      :Sancak Mah 548.Sok 3/18 Çankaya 06018 Ankara-TURKEY
BIRTH PLACE           :Osmaniye TURKEY
CITIZENSHIP            :Turkish


Professor and Chairman,
Gülhane Military Medical Academy Department of  Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 06018 Etlik Ankara TURKEY
E-MAIL                        :mgerek@gmail.com   mgerek@gata.edu.tr
CELL PHONE              :+90 532 414b8750
BUSINESS PHONE      :+90 312 304 5707
BUSINESS FAX           :+90 312 304 5700
UNDERGRADUATE      :  Konya Anatolian High School 1974-1981
GRADUATE                 : Gülhane Military Medical School 1981-1987
POST-GRADUATE       : Residency 1990-1994
ACADEMIC            : Associate Professor 1999-2004
                                    Professor 2004-
                 Chairman 2007-
1) Özünlü A, Gerek M, Önder T, Aktaş D, Dündar A. Midline sublingual dermoid cyst. Pakistan Journal of  Otolaryngology,  10 (1): 34-35, 1994.
2) Gerek M, Özkaptan Y, Özünlü A, Bengi O.  Cephalometrik evaluation of craniofacial structures in congenital aural atresia. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 2 (3): 290-293, 1995.
3) Dündar A, Gerek M, Özünlü A, Yetişer S.  Patient selection and surgical results in obstructive sleep apnea. European Archieves of Otorhinolaryngology, 254 (Suppl. 1): 157-161, 1997.
4) Özkaptan Y, Gerek M, Şimşek Ş, Deveci S. Effects of fibroblast growth factor on the healing process of tympanic membrane perforations in an animal model. European Archieves of Otolaryngology, 254 (Suppl. 1) : S2-S5, 1997.
5) Yetişer S, Gerek M, Özkaptan Y. Elongated styloid process: Diagnostic problems related to symptomatology. Cranio, 15 (3): 236-241, 1997.
6) Gerek M, Özünlü A, Yıldırım A, Dündar A.  Minor salivary gland tumors of the hard palate. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 4 (2): 107-110,1997
7) Aktaş D, Yetişer S, Gerek M, Kurnaz A, Can C, Kahramanyol M. Antrochoanal polyps: analysis of 16 cases. Rhinology, 36: 81-85, 1998.
8)Atilla S, Pabuşçu Y, Celasun B, Gerek M, Pocan S. Radiology of an atypical fibro-osseous lesion confined to the nasal cavity.  Neuroradiology, 40 (11): 752-754, 1998.
9) Burkey BB, Gerek M. Repair of persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak. Current Opinions in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 6: 263-267, 1998.
10) Burkey BB, Gerek M, Day T. Repair of the persistent cerebrospinal fluid leak with the radial forearm free fascial flap.  Laryngoscope, 109: 1003-1006, 1999.
11) Gerek M, Aymelek B, Bengi O, Dündar A. Preoperative and postoperative cephalometric evaluation of hypertrophic adenoids. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat,  9 (6): 19-22, 1999.
12) Erel F, Karaayvaz M, Çalışkaner AZ, Gerek M, Demiriz M, Kubar A, Ozangüç N. Effects of allergen immunotherapy on the nasal mucosa in patients with allergic rhinitis.Invest Allergol Clin Immunol. 10 (1): 14-19, 2000.
13) Tosun F, Gerek M, Özkaptan Y.  Nasal surgery for contact point headaches.Headache. 40: 237-240, 2000.
14) Gerek M, Ünal F, Deveci S, Tosun F, Özkaptan Y. Desmoid Tumor of the Neck. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 122: 930-931,2000
15) Gerek M. Laryngotracheal Reconstruction Update. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, 9:209-213, 2001.
16) Gerek M. Laryngotracheal Reconstruction Update. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, 9:209-213, 2001
17) Tosun F, Sezen I, Gerek M, Y Özkaptan, Yapar M, Çalışkaner Z, Akman Ş. Electrophoretic evaluation of nasal discharge in patients with allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis.American Journal of Rhiology, May-June, 16 (3), 141-144, 2002.
18) Akçam T, Akkaya A, Deveci S, Onguru O, Gerek M, Özkaptan Y. The prognostic significance of DNA ploidy in laryngeal cancers. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, Nov-Dec;9(6):414-23, 2002
19) Gerek M, Akçam T, Talas D, Deveci S, Özkaptan Y.Internal jugular phlebectasia surrounded by mature adipose tissue. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 128:761-763,2003.
20) Akçam T,  Kocaoğlu M, Gerek M, Birkent H, Özkaptan Y, Tayfun C. Tolosa –Hunt Journal of Syndrome with heterotopic salivary gland tissue and absence of internal carptid artery. Auris Nasus Larynx. Aug;30 (3):325-329, 2003
21) Akçam T, Bolu E, Merati A, Durmuş C, Gerek M, Özkaptan Y. Voice changes after androgen therapy for hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Laryngoscope 114 (9):1587-1591, September, 2004.
22) Gerek M, Satar B, Yazar F, Ozan H, Özkaptan Y. Transcanal anterior approach for cystic lesions of the petrous apex. Running head: transcanal anterior approach for petrous apex. Otology-Neurotology. 25(6):973-976, November, 2004.
23) Akçam T, Talas D, Gerek M, Deveci S, Özkaptan Y. Ectopic thyroid tissue with follicular adenoma mimicking carotid body tumor. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 131 (6):1019-1021, Dec. 2004
24) Gerek M, Çiğiltepe M. Dysphagia management of pediatric patients with cerebral palsy. The British Journal of Developmental Disabilities 51(1): 57-72, January 2005.
25) Tosun F, Gonul E, Yetiser S, Gerek M. Analysis of Different Surgical Approaches for the Treatment of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea.  Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, 48:355-360, 2005
26) Akçam T, Oysul K, Birkent H, Gerek M, Yetişer S. Leiomyosarcoma of the head and neck: Report of two cases and review of the literature.  Auris Nasus Larynx, 32:209-12, 2005
27) Tosun F, Ozer C, Akcam T, Gerek M, Yetiser S. A Patient of Severe Cervicofacial Subcutaneous Emphysema Associated With Munchausen’s Journal of Syndrome. The Journal of Cranofacial Surgery, 16(4):661-4, 2005
28) Gerek M, Akçam T, Durmaz A, Özkaptan Y.Radiofrequency thermal ablation of the soft palate in patients wiyh snoring and mild sleep apnea. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 14(3-4):67-78, 2005
29) Gerek M, Çiyiltepe M. The management of swallowing disorders through rehabilitation methods. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 14(1-2):10-17, 2005
30) Tosun F, Çalışkaner Z, Durmaz A, Gerek M, Özkaptan Y. Radiofrequency for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 14(5-6):110-115, 2005
31) Gerek M, Atalay A, Çekin E, Çiyiltepe M, Özkaptan Y. The effectiveness of fiberoptic endoskopic  swallow study modified barium swallow study techniques in diagnosis of dysphagia. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 14(3-4):67-78, 2005
32) Birkent H, Akçam T, Gerek M, Ertaş İ, Özkaptan Y. Results of voice therapy in functional voice disorders. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 15(5-6):120-127, 2005
33) Tosun F, Ozer C, Gerek M, Yetiser S. Surgical Approaches for Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: Comparative Analysis and Current Trends. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 17(1):15-20, 2006
34) Durmaz A, Tosun F, Kurt B, Gerek M, Birkent H. Osteolipoma of the Nasopharynx. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 18(5)1176-9, 2007
35) Guven G, Ilgan S, Altun C, Gerek M, Gunh O. Rosai-Dorfman Disease of the Parotid and Submandibular Glands: Salivary Gland Scintigraphy and Oral Findings in Two Siblings. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 36:1-8, 2007
36) Durmaz A, Tosun F, Yıldırım N, Sahan M, Kıvrakdal C, Gerek M. Transnasal Endoscopic Repair of Choanal Atresia: Results of 13 Cases and Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Cranofacial Surgery, 19(5):1270-1274, 2008
37) Harlak A,  Karahatay S, Öngörü Ö,  Menteş Ö, Gerek M, Tufan T. Chyle Fistula After Neck Dissection For An Unusual Breast Cancer Recurrence. Breast Care 2008;3:274-276, 2008
38) Birkent H, Soken H, Akcam T, Karahatay S, Gerek M. The effect of radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction of soft plate on voice. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 265:195-198, 2008
39) Tosun F, Kemikli K, Yetkin S, Özgen F, Durmaz A, Gerek M. Impact of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery on Sleep Qualitiy in Patients With Chronic Nazal Obstruction Due To Nasal Polyposis. J Craniofac Surg 2009;20: 446-449
40) Arslan HH, Hidir Y, Durmaz A, Karslioglu Y, Tosun F, Gerek M. Unexpected tumor incidence in surgically removed unilateral and bilateral nasal polyps. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Mar;22:751-4.
41) Dalgic A, Hidir Y, Birkent AH, Durmaz A, Gerek M. Life-threatening upper airway obstruction due to isolated hypermobile tongue.  J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Jul;22(4):1529-31.
42) Ceyhan A, Satar B, Yetişer S, Hıdır Y, Durmaz A, Gerek M, Ertaş İ, Özkaptan Y. Stimulation Thresholds and Response Parameters of the Facial Nerve as Prognostic Factors in Facial Nerve Exploration. The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 19(3):120-127, 2011
43) Gerek M, Durmaz A, Aydın U, Birkent H, Hıdır Y, Tosun F. Relationship between nasal valve changes and nasalance of the voice. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012 Feb 21
44) Birkent H, Durmaz A, Karakoç O, Ilica Turan, Gerek M. An unusual case of anterior and posterior laryngeal cleft together: combined cleft of larynx. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 269:345-348.
45) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Gerek M,Genc H,Ozgen F.The upper airway evaluation of habitual snorers and obstructive sleep apnea patients ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec.2012:74(3):136-40.Epub 2012 April 5.
46) Akcam T, Arslan HH, Deniz S, Genc H,Karakoc O, Senkal S, Gerek M.Comparasion of early postoperatif pain among surgical techniques for obstructive sleep apnea.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012 June 15.
47) Tosun F, Arslan HH, Hıdır Y, Karslıoglu Y, Durmaz A, Gerek M.Subcutaneous  aproximation suture for preventing sof tissue pollybeak deformity.Am J Rhinol Allergy .2012 Jul-Aug:26(4):e111-4.
48) Dalgic A, Karakoc O, Karahatay S, Hidir Y, Gamsizkan M, Birkent H, Gerek M. Submandibular triangle masses. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Sep;24(5):e529-31
49) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Birkent H, Arslan HH, Gerek M. Nasalance scores for normal-speaking Turkish population. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Mar;24(2):520-2.
50) Dalgic A, Karakoc O, Aydin U, Hidir Y, Gamsizkan M, Karahatay S, Gerek M. Minor salivary gland neoplasms. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 May;25(3)
51) Karakoc O, Akcam T, Genc H, Yetkin S, Piskin B, Gerek M. Use of the Berlin Questionnaire to screen at-risk patients for obstructive sleep apnea. B-ENT. 2014;10(1):21-5.
1)Yücel İ, Berk AÖ, Sevinir Ş, Barut A, Gerek M. Cardiac tamponade due to cancer metastases and ıts therapeutic approacher. Gülhane Military Medical Academy Bulletin, 31: 729-737, 1989
2) Gerek M, Aktaş D, Özkaptan Y, Finçi R, Barut A. Mikulicz disease. ENT Post, 1(7), 41-43, 1992
3) Gerek M, Özkaptan Y, Kahramanyol M, Muş N, Çivitçi D. Secretory otitis media in adults. ENT Post, 1(7), 46-48, 1992
4) Kahramanyol M, Aktaş D, Önder T, Muş N, Gerek M, Çivitçi D. Results of chronic suppurative otitis media in than active phase underwent surgical treatment which consisted of mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty simultaneously. ENT Post, 2 (1): 72-73, 1992
5) Özünlü A, Gedikli O, Aktaş D, Önder T, Gerek M, Gülhan M. Our approach in acute traumatic tympanic membrane perforations. ENT Post, 2 (1): 37-40, 1992.
6) Aktaş D, Özünlü A, Önder T, Gerek M, Dereköy S, Dündar A. Medical treatment in sudden hearing loss. Journal of Syndrome, 5 (9): 90-94, 1993
7) Aktaş D, Gerek M, Özünlü A, Dündar A.  Fibrous dysplasia:two cases. Optimal Medical Journal, 6 (1): 27-29, 1993
8) Önder T, Gerek M, Özünlü A, Dündar A.Treatment of allergic rhinitiswith terfenadine. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 1 (2): 70-71, 1993.
9) Gerek M, Özkaptan Y, Önder T, Muş N, Dündar A.Our surgical treatment results in congenital aural atresia. Ear Nose Throat Bulletin, 3: 81-86, 1994
10) Aktaş D, Gerek M, Önder T, Çivitçi D, Dündar A. Odiologic features in Usher Journal of Syndrome. Ear Nose Throat Bulletin 2(2): 37-39, 1995
11) Yağlıdere Ö, Gülkaya M, Gerek M, Dündar A. A patient who had common carotid artery rupture due to gunshot wound to the neck.(Case report). Ear Nose Throat Bulletin , 2(2): 46-47, 1995
12) Kazkayası M, Özünlü A, Gerek M, Baysallar M.Medical treatment in chronic suppurative otitis media. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 4 (1 ): 1-4, 1996
13) Özünlü A, Gerek M, Satar B, Aktaş D, Dündar A. Serous otitis media in adults. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 4 (2): 103-109, 1996
14) Aktaş D, Gerek M, Özünlü A, Kazkayası M, Özkaptan Y.Treatment in glomus jugulare tumors. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 4 (2): 153-156, 1996
15) Kurnaz A, Gerek M, Yetişer S, Özkaptan Y.The significance of the serum Tıssue Polypeptide antigen levels in diagnosis,treatment and prognosis of epidermoid malignanciges in head and neck. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 5 (1): 78-84, 1997
16) Gerek M, Şahan M. Histopathologic changes of soft palate and uvula in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 5 (2): 105-111, 1997
17) Zengin A, Gerek M, Yetişer S, Tosun F, Özkaptan Y.The effect of fluticasone dipropionate and endoskopic sinus surgery on smell disorder in patients with chronic sinusitis. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 5 (3): 194-198, 1997
18) Bengi O, Ölmez H, Sağdıç D, Gürton Ü, Gerek M. Cephalometric evaluation in “Obstructive Sleep Apne”Journal of Syndrome. Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 10(2) : 138-148, 1997
19) Gerek M, Yetişer S, Dündar A.Topognostic and electrophysiyologic tests results in surgically decompressed facial nerve paralysis. Ear Nose Throat Bulletin, 2 (4):35-41, 1997
20) Gerek M, Dündar A. Topognostic and electrophsysiologic tests at facial paralysis. Journal of Syndrome, 44-50, Dec 1997
21) Dündar A, Gerek M. Sleep apnea: physiopathology and diagnosis methods. Journal of Syndrome,10 (6): 12-50, 1998
22) Yetişer S, Gerek M, Kazkayası M, Özkaptan Y. Cervicofacial  necrotizing fasciitis-a case report. Ear Nose Throat Bulletin, 5 (1):28-31, 1998
23) Dündar A, Gerek M, Satar B. The effectiveness of fluticasone propionate in symptomatic therapy of allergic rhinitis. Ear Nose Throat Bulletin, 5(2), 35-41, 1998
24) Erel F, Karaayvaz M, Demiriz M, Kubar A, Gerek M, Şener E, Ozangüç N. Influence of immunotherapy to nasal mucosa in allergic rhinitis. Gülhane Military Medical Academy Bulletin, 40: 153-162, 1998
25) Dündar A, Gerek M, Akçam T, Pabuşcu Y.The evaluation of upper airway dimensions by computerized tomography in sleep apnea patients. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 6(3): 134-138, 1998
26) Gerek M, Akçam T, Ceyhun E, Özgen F, Dündar A.The comparison of sleep parameters of the patients with obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 7(1): 34-36, 1999
27) Tosun F, Gerek M, Şener O, Durmuş C, Özkaptan Y. Treatment with capsaicin in nonallergenic chronic rhinitis. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 7(3), 157-161: 1999
28) Gerek M, Satar B, Dündar A. Ludwig Anjina and immunological findings a case report. Gülhane Military Medical Academy Bulletin, 41 (1) 103-106, 1999
29) Kertmen M, Yetişer S, Gerek M, Dündar A, Karaçalıoğlu A. Benign angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia of neck (Castleman’s disease ) ; two cases report. Gulhane Medical Journal, 41 (4): 477-481, 1999
30) Tosun F, Gerek M, Yetişer S, Özkaptan Y. Endonasal endoskopic approach to benign nasal tumors. Ear Nose Throat Clinics, 2(1), 41-45, 2000
31) Güleç B, Özer MT, Uzar AA, Kozak O, Gerek M, Arslan İ. Does nervus recurrence dissection during thyroidectomy increase the rate of morbidity?Quality analysis of voice with videolaryngostroboscopy. Surgery Journal of Ankara, 8, 385-391, 2000
32) Özünlü A, Gerek M, Satar B.Intravenous lidocaine application for treatment of the patients with tinnitus. The Journal of Otoscope 3: 119-123, 2000
33) Tosun, F, Gerek M, Aslanhan M,ÖzkaptanY. Results of endoscopic sinüs  surgery in patients withchoanal polyps. The Journal of Ear Nose Throat - Head & Neck Surgery, 9(1):31-34, 2001
34) Satar B, Gerek M, Yetişer S, Akkaya A, Özkaptan Y. Major salivary gland tumors. Clinics of Turkey- Ear Nose and Throat , 1(3), 123-128, 2001
35) Tosun F, Gerek M, Birkent H, Özkaptan Y. Pharyngocutaneous fistula after total laryngectomy ; analysis of different risk factors. Clinics of Turkey- Ear Nose and Throat ,  2, 133-139, 2002
36) Karahatay S, Akçam T, Gerek M, Tosun F, Özkaptan Y.Is 24 hour ph monitoring essential in the diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease? Clinics of Turkey- Ear Nose and Throat ,


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