+90 216 456 82 12

Prof. Dr. Hidayet Akdemir
Prof. Dr. Hidayet Akdemir

Ad-Soyad  :  Hidayet Akdemir
Akademik Ünvan  : Profesör Doktor
Mezun Olduğu Tıp Fakültesi ve yılı  :  Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ,1979 1979
Uzmanlık Eğitimi Aldığı Yer ve Yılı   :  Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi ,1988 1988

Mesleki Deneyim    :    
Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirürji AD  Başkanlığı,
Fakülte etik kurulu,  Yönetim Kurulu üyeliği
 20 /12 /1979 - 30 /12/ 1980…………Merkez Sağlık Ocağı, Nevşehir
 01 /1/ 1981 - 01 /7/ 1982…………… Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nde Tabib Asteğmen
 26 /8/ 1982 – 01 /4/ 1983 Uçhisar Sağlık Ocağı, Nevşehir
 01 /4/ 1983 – 2005   Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi  Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı
 01/09/05  15-8-2009  Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi 2.Beyin Cerrahisi Klinik Şefi
 15/08/2009- 15/01/2010 Taksim İlk Yardım Eğitim ve araştırma hastanesi Klinik Şefi
 Medicana International İstanbul

Bilimsel Yayınlar    :    
1. Paşaoğ1u A, Orhon C, Akdemir H. Multıpl primary hydatid cysts of the brain. Turk J Pediatr. 31: 57-61, 1989.
2. Paşaoğ1u A, Orhon C, Akdemir H, Uzunoglu H, Öktem S, Yardım Ş: Subperiosteal intraorbital haematoma following minor head trauma. Acta Neurochir 97:83- 85 1989.
3. Paşaoğ1u A, Orhon C, Koç K, Selçuklu A, Akdemir H, Uzunoğlu H: Traumatic extradural haematomas in pediatric age group. Acta Neurochir 106: 136-139,1990.
4. Akdemir H, Paşaoğ1u A, Ekinciler OF, Selçuklu A, Karaküçük S, Öktem IS: Unilateral naso¬orbital meningocele and bilateral congenital fistula of the lacrimal passages. Acta Ophthalmologica 69: 680-683,1991.
5. Akdemir H, Paşaoğ1u A, Öztürk F, Selcuklu A, Koç, K, Kurtsoy A: Histopathology of experimental spinal cord trauma: Comparison of treatment with TRH, naloxon, and dexamethasone. Res Exp med 192:177-183, 1992.
6. Akdemir H, Paşaoğ1u A, Selçuklu A, Öztürk F, Kurtsoy A: Prevention of adesions after laminectomy: An experimental study in dog. Res Exp Med 193: 39-46, 1993.
7. Selçuklu A, Paşaoğ1u A, Akdemir H, Kurtsoy A,Patıroğlu TE: Urokinase for control of scar after laminectomy. Spine 18:165-168, 1993.
8. Akdemir H, Paşaoğ1u H, Arman F, Çoksevim B, Paşaoğlu A: Effects of TRH and high dose corticosteroid therapy on evoked potentials and tissue Na+, K± and water content in experimental spinal injury. Res Exp Med 193:297-304,1993.
9. Akdemir H, Selçuklu A, Paşaoğ1u A, Canbay S, Kavuncu İ: Management of primary intracerebral hematomas. Neurosurgical Rev 17:267-273,1994.
10. Koç R K, Akdemir H, Kandemir O, Paşaoğlu H, Öktem İ S, and Paşaoğlu A: The therapeutic value of naloxone and mannitol in experimental focal cerebral ischemia. Res Exp Med 194: 277-285,1994.
11. Akdemir H, Selçuklu A, Paşaoğlu A, Öktem İ S, and Kavuncu İ: Treatment of severe intraventricular hemorrhage by intraventricular infusion of urokinase. Neurosurg Rev 18:95-100,1995.
12. Koç R K, Akdemir H, Kurtsoy A, Paşaoğlu H, Kavuncı İ, Paşaoğlu A, Karaküçük İ: Lipid peroxidation in experimental spinal cord injury. Comparison of treatment with Ginko biloba, TRH, and methylprednisolone. Res Exp Med 195: 117-123,1995.
13. Paşaoğlu A, Kurtsoy A, Koç R K, Kontaş O, Akdemir H, Öktem İ S, Selçuklu A Kavuncu İ: Cranioplasty with bone flaps preserved under the scalp. Neurosurg Rev19:153-156, 1996.
14. Akdemir H, Öktem İ S, Koç R K, and Kavuncu İ: Postoperative intraradicular lumbar disc herniation Neurosurg Rev 20: 71-74, 1997.
15.  Koç R K, Akdemir H, Öktem İ S, Meral M, and Menkü A: Acute subdural hematoma : Outcome and prediction. Neurosurg Rev 20: 239-244,1997. (24-28 Mayıs 1996 Çeşme konresinde tebliğ edilmiştir)
16. Öktem İ S, Akdemir H, Koç R K, Menkü A, Tucer B, Selçuklu A, and Turan C: Migration of abdominal catheter of ventriculoperitoneal shunt into the scrotum. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 140: 167-170, 1998. (16-20 Mayıs 1997 Antalya kongresinde tebliğ edilmitir).
17. Koç R K, Akdemir H, Karaküçük İ, Öktem İ S, and Menkü A: Effect of methylprednisolone, trilazad mesylate and vitamin E on lipid peroxidation after experimental spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 37: 29-32, 1999. (15-19 mayıs 1998 Antalya kongresinde tebliğ edilmiştir).
18. Akdemir H, Kontaş O, Öktem İ S, Tucer B, Kafadar H, Paşaoğlu A: A new subtype of meningioma. Neurosurg Rev 22: 50-53, 1999. (15-19 mayıs 1998 Antalya kongresinde tebliğ edilmiştir).
19. Koç R K, Kurtsoy A, Öktem İ S, Akdemir H : Growing skull fracture of the orbital roof. Pediatr Neurosurg 30: 35-38, 1999.
20. Öktem İ S, Akdemir H, Sümerkan B, Koç R K, Menkü A and Tümtürk F. Cerebellar abscess due to Nocardia astroides. Acta Neurochir ( Wien) 141: 217-218, 1999.
21. Akdemir H, Kurtsoy A, Öktem İ S, Menkü A, Koç R K: Failure of open third    ventriculostomy for shunt infections in infant. Pediatr Neurosurg 30: 305-309, 1999. (17-19 Mayıs, 1999, Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği İstanbul kongresinde tebliğ edilmiştir).
22. Kutsoy A, Öktem İ S, Koç R K, Akdemir H, Menkü A, Tucer B:  Successful treatment   of  a thalamic hydatic cyst with contralateral transcallosal approach. Pediatr Neurosurg 31:96-99, 1999.
23. Öktem İS, Akdemir H, Kurtsoy A, Koç RK, Menkü A, Tucer B: Hemilaminectomy for the removal of spinal lesions. Spinal Cord 38:92-96, 2000 (17-19 Mayıs, 1999, Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği İstanbul kongresinde tebliğ edilmiştir).
24. Öktem İS, Menkü A, Akdemir H, Kontaş O, Kurtsoy A, Koç RK: Therapeutic effect  of  tirilazad mesylate (U-74006F), mannitol, and their combination on experimental ischemia.Res Exp Med 199:231-242, 2000.
25. Kurtsoy A, Canbay S, Öktem İS, Akdemir H, Koç RK, Menkü A, Tucer B: Effect of EGb-761 on vasospasm in experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage. Res Exp Med 199:207-215, 2000.
26. Koç RK, Akdemir H, Öktem İ S,  Menkü A: Intradural lumbar disc herniation: Report of   two cases. Neurosurg Rev 24:44-47, 2001 (17-19 Mayıs 1999, Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği İstanbul kongresinde tebliğ edilmiştir).
27. Kurtsoy A, Öktem İS, Koç RK, Menkü A Akdemir H, Tucer B: Surgical treatment of thalamic hematomas via the contralateral transcallosal approach. Neurosurg Rev 24:108-113, 2001
28. Akdemir H, Aşık Z, Paşaoğlu H, Karaküçük İ, Öktem İS, Koç RK: The effect of allopurinol on focal cerebral ischaemia: an experimental study in rabbits. Neurosurg Rev 24:131-135, 2001.
29. Koc RK, Akdemir H, Oktem IS, Kurtsoy A, Menku A.Posterolaterally displaced type IIA odontoid fractures.Neurosurg Rev. 2001 Jul;24(2-3):143-6.
30. Menku A, Koc RK, Tayfur V, Saraymen R, Narin F, Akdemir H.            Effects of mexiletine, ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761), and their combination on experimental head injury. Neurosurg Rev. 2003 Oct;26(4):288-91.
31. Menku A, Koc RK, Tucer B, Kurtsoy A, Akdemir H.  Growing skull fracture of the orbital roof: Report of two cases and review of the literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2004 Apr;27(2):133-6.
32. Menku A, Koc RK, Tucer B, Durak AC, Akdemir H.   Clivus fractures: clinical presentations and courses. Neurosurg Rev. 2004 Jul;27(3):194-8.
33. Menku A, Kurtsoy A, Tucer B, Yildiz O, Akdemir H. Nocardia brain absce                       mimicking brain tumour in immunocompetent patients: report of two cases and review of the literature. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2004 Apr;146(4):411-4; discussion 414.
34. Kurtsoy A, Menku A, Tucer B, Suat Oktem I, Akdemir H, Kemal Koc R.  Transbasal               approaches: surgical details, pitfalls and avoidances. Neurosurg   Rev. 2004 Oct;27(4):267-73.
35. Menku A, Kulaksizoglu O, Tucer B, Kurtsoy A, Akdemir H.  Successful surgical excision of a gigantic cerebral hydatid cyst.Minim     InvasiveNeurosurg. 2004Feb;47(1):61-4.
36. Menku A, Koc RK, Tucer B, Akdemir H.   Is skull fracture necessary for developing an intradiploic pseudomeningocele as a complication of head injury in adulthood?. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2004 Jun 146 (6) 632-637; Discussion 627. Epup 2004 Apr 18.
37. Ozkan M, Altinbas M, Er O, Kaplan B, Coskun HS, Karahacioglu E, Menku A, Cihan Y, Kontas O, Akdemir H. Post-operative sequential chemo-radiotherapy in high-grade cerebral gliomas with fotemustine. J Chemother. 2004 Jun;16(3):298-302.
38. Koc RK, Menku A, Tucer B, Gocmez C, Akdemir H.
Anterior cervical foraminotomy for unilateral spondylotic radiculopathy. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2004 Jun;47(3):186-9.
39. Menku A, Kurtsoy A, Tucer B, Oktem IS,  Akdemir H.
The surgical management of traumatic C6 - C7 spondyloptosis in a patient without neurological   deficits. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2004 Aug;47(4):242-4.
40. Koc RK, Menku A, Akdemir H, Tucer B, Kurtsoy A, Oktem IS.
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy and radiculopathy treated by oblique corpectomieswithoutfusion.Neurosurg Rev. 2004 Oct;27(4):252-8.
41. Kurtsoy A, Menku A, Tucer B, Oktem IS, Akdemir H.
Neuronavigation in skull base tumors. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2005 Feb;48(1):7-12.
42. Menku A, Akdemir H, Durak AC, Oktem IS.
Successful surgical excision of juvenile-type spinal arteriovenous malformation in two stages following partial embolization. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2005 Feb;48(1):57-62.
43. Kurtsoy A, Tucer B, Menku A, Basaslan K, Kemal Koc R, Akdemir H.
Surgical treatment of distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysms with horizontal head position.Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2005 Oct;48(5):264-7.
44. Akdemir H,   Oktem IS, Tucer B, Menku A, Basaslan K, Gunaldi O.
Intraoperative microvascular Doppler sonography in aneurysm surgery.
Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2006 Oct;49(5):312-6.
45. Akdemir H, Oktem S, Menkü A, Tucer B, Tuğcu B, Günaldi O. Image-guided microneurosurgical management of small arteriovenous malformation: role of neuronavigation and intraoperative Doppler sonography. Minim Invasive Neurosurg. 2007 Jun;50(3):163-9.
46. Akdemir H. Kulaksızoglu O. Tucer B. Menku A. Postaljı L. Gunaldı O. Magnesium sulfate therapy for cerebral vasospasm after aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurg Q.19.35-39.2009
47. Menku A. Oktem IS.Kontas O. Akdemir H. Atypical intracerebral schwannoma mimicking glial tumor. Case report. Turkish Neurosurgery 19. 82-85.2009
48. Akdemir H.Oktem IS.Menku A. Tucer B. Kamasak K. Tugcu B. Neuronavigation by intraoperative ultrasound during intracranial cavernoma resection. Neurosurg Q. 19. 185-189. 2009
49. Gunes M. Akdemir H. Tugcu B. Gunaldı O. Gumus E. Akpınar A . Multıpl ıntradural spinal hydatid disease. A case report and review of literature. Sipine. 34: 346-350. 2009
50. Tugcu B. Tanrıverdi O. Gunaldı O. Baydın S. Postaljı L. Akdemir H. Delayed ıntraventricular tension pneumocephalus due to scalp- ventricle fistula: A very rare complication of shunt surgery. Turkish Neurosurgery 19: 276-280. 2009

Uluslar arası Kongreler : 
1. Koç RK, Öktem İS, Kurtsoy A, Tucer B, Akdemir H: Adult diastematomyelia. 12th  World Congress of Neurosurgical 16-20 September 2001 Sydney, Australia (Poster)
2. Kurtsoy A, Akdemir H, Menkü A, Tucer B, Öktem İS, Koç RK: Neuronavigation in skull base tumors. 12th  World Congress of Neurosurgical 16-20 September 2001 Sydney, Australia (Poster)
3. Akdemir H, Menkü A, Kurtsoy A, Tucer B, Öktem İS, Koç RK, Kontaş O, Kulaksızoğlu O: Frameless stereotaxy for vascular malformation. 12th  World Congress of Neurosurgical 16-20 September 2001 Sydney, Australia (Poster)

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