+90 216 456 82 12

Doç. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek
Doç. Dr. Serdar Baylançiçek


Unvan : Doç.Dr.

Tıbbi Birim : Kulak Burun Boğaz

Uzmanlık : Kulak, Burun ve Boğaz Hastalıkları

Şube : Kozyatağı Hastanesi, Ataşehir Cerrahi Tıp Merkezi

E-Posta : serdar.baylancicek@acibadem.com.tr

Web Sitesi : 


2007 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak, Burun ve Boğaz Hastalıkları
2001 İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi

2011 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
2010 - 2011 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı
2009 - 2010 Artvin Borçka Devlet Hastanesi
2007 - 2009 Şişli Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
2002 - 2007 Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Eğitimi

Türk Tabipler Birliği
Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahi Derneği
Türk Rinoloji Derneği
Türk Kulak Burun Boğaz Baş ve Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği
İstanbul KBB Uzmanları Derneği


Effect of topical use of mitomycin C and 5­ fluorouracil on the closure time of myringotomies created by radiofrequency unit.
Acta Otolaryngol. 2009 Nov; 129(11): 1212-6 Baylancicek S, Sari M, Tutkun A.

Effects of Vitamin E on the Amount of Free Radicals in Traumatized Middle Ear Tissue.
Int. Adv. Otol. 2009;5(1): 17­ 23 Sari M, Baylancicek S, Baglam T, Ozdemir N, Uneri C.

Thyroid dysfunction after combined therapy for laryngeal cancer: A prospective study.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2008;139(6):787-91 Alkan S, Baylancicek S, Ciftçic M, Sozen E, Dadaş B.

Assessment of long- and short-term neurotoxic effects of glass ionomer bone cement by electromyography and histopathologic examination: experimental study.
Alkan S, Koşar AT, Sozen E, Baylançiçek S, Baslo B, Başak T, Dadaş B. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008;37(6):844-50

Ototoxic Effect of Topical Ciclopirox as an Antimycotic Preparation.
Otology & Neurotology Otol Neurotol. 2008; 29(7): 910-3 Baylancicek S, Serin G, Ciprut A, San M, Aktas F, Tutkun A.

First use of the Vibrant Sound bridge middle ear implant in Turkish patients: A report of 2 cases.
The Mediterranean Journal of Otology, 2007;3:167-172 Batman C, Sari M, Baylancicek S, Yumusakhuylu AC.

Atypical penetrating laryngeal trauma: a bullet in the larynx.
Eur J Emerg Med. 2007 ;14(4):230-2 Sari M, Baylancicek S, Inanli S.

The use of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex) in rhinoplasty.
Inanli S, Sari M, Baylancicek S. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2007;31(4):345-8

Unusual presentation and location of thyroglossal duct cyst in a child.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;136(5):854-5 Sari M, Baylancicek S, Inanli S, Sehitoglu MA.


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