Dr. Nihat Sözer
Unvan : Dr.
Tıbbi Birim : Radyasyon Onkolojisi
Uzmanlık : Radyasyon Onkolojisi
Şube : Bursa Hastanesi
E-Posta : nihat.sozer@acibadem.com.tr
Web Sitesi:
2001 Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi
1991 Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
2008 - Halen Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu
2002 - 2008 Bursa Şevket Yılmaz Devlet Hastanesi
Kanser Savaş Derneği
Radyasyon Onkolojisi
Cosmetic Results Following Radiotherapy for Facial Skin Tumors.
2 th Balkan Congres Of Oncology, Journal of BUON (Balkan Union of Oncology) İzmir, 3 (Suppl.A), 77, Monduzzi, Bologna, 1998. Sarıhan S, Kahraman S, Sozer N, Ozkan L, Engin K.
Preoperative irradiation with concurrent 5-flourouracil infusion for locally advanced carcinoma of rectum.
Hepato-Gastroenterology 48 (supp 1) pp140, 2001. M. Kurt, A. Saran, N. Sözer, L. Özkan, S. Kahraman, T. Yılmazlar, K. Engin.
Extensive intraductal component as a prognostic factor in the patients with breast cancer.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 64 Supp 1 pp: 336,September 2002. S.K. Çetintaş, L. Özkan,, N. Sözer, N. Canki, M.Kurt, K. Engin, I. Tasdelen, N. Küçük.
Accelerated fractionation in the head and neck cancer patients treated with postoperative radiotherapy
Radiotherapy and Oncology 64 Supp 1 pp: 789, September 2002. N. Sözer, L. Özkan, S. Çetintaş, M. Kurt, N. Küçük, K. Engin.
Accelerated fractionation in the head and neck cancer patients treated with postoperative radiotherapy
Radiotherapy and Oncology 64supp 1 pp:789, september 2002 N. Sözer, L.Özkan, S. Çetintaş, M. Kurt, N. Küçük, K. Engin
Hipofiz adenomlarında ark tekniği ile eksternal radyoterapi uygulaması.
Türk Onkoloji Dergisi 2000;173-177. Sarıhan S.,Sözer N.,Küçük N.,Özkan L.,Engin K.
Preoperative irritation with concurrent 5-flourouracil infusion for locally advenced carcinoma of rectum
Hepato-Gastroenterology 48 (supp1) pp140, 2001 M. Kurt, A. Saran, N. Sözer, L. Özkan, S. Kahraman, T. Yılmazlar, K. Engin
Concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced esophageal cancer
Hepato-Gastroenterology 48 (supp1) pp139 ,2001
Extensive intraductal component as a prognostic factor in the patients with breast cancer S.K. Çetintaş, L.Özkan, N.Sözer, N.Canki, M. Kurt, K. Engin, I. Tasdelen, N. Küçük
Radiotherapy and Oncology 64 Supp 1 pp :336, september 2002
Young age as a prognostik factor for the local control in the breast cancer patients managed with breast conserving therapy.
21 st Annual ESTRO Meeting, 17-21 September 2002. Ozkan L, Kahraman S, Sozer N, Tasdelen I, Kılıc A, Engin K.